Not how I planned this day to go...

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Bucky knocked at her door softly, wondering if she would even answer. He was worried about his girlfriend, significant other, whatever you wanted to call it. They really didn't care about labels.

Hazel was furious, and upset, and she absolutely had every right to be. She had just gotten laid off. Fired! All because she made the wrong mistake at the wrong time, in front of some very, very important people. The only reason she still had a roof over her head was because of Bucky, and she was ever grateful for it. Because now, she doubted she'd find another job anytime soon.

It hadn't even been a big mistake. She'd accidentally mixed up her boss's files, switching the papers for his next meeting with the current one, and it had been the biggest board meeting of the company that year. So yeah, she screwed up, but to fire her? That was a little harsh. Then again, Alexander Pierce was harsh, it was practically his middle name. That, and stuck up.

He tried again, this time getting a verbal response. "Go away!" She didn't even know who it was, but she didn;t think Bucky would be back from getting his arm checked out by Tony yet.

"Hazel, baby it's me." He said softly, really hoping she'd let him in. He heard her sigh loudly on the other side of the door, the gentle clinking of glass against glass and a swish of liquid, and then, "It's unlocked." Alright, she didn't feel like being overly verbal nor sugarcoating. So sue her.

He got the message and opened the door, stepping inside and closing the door behind him quietly. She was sat on the couch, head resting on the back of it, and a large tumbler in her hand full of clear liquid. I'll give you a hint, it wasn't water. There was nearly three-quarters of the bottle already gone, and he was pretty sure it was a new one. She rarely ever drank, and when it was it was a beer, maybe two. If she'd pulled out the vodka, he needed to step in.

He walked over behind the couch, reaching down and wordlessly placing his hands on her shoulders. He began to rub them softly, putting pressure in all the right places to help relieve the tension, and just help her relax. It took a few minutes, but she slowly began to ease out of her stiff state, giving way to the small massage. He kissed the top of her head gently, lips lingering a few moments.

"D'ya want to talk about it?" He asked softly after a good few minutes more, still never stopping what he was doing with his hands. "No. I don't know. Maybe?" She rambled, eyes closed, and went to take another gulp. He lifted one of his hands up, taking the glass from her and earning a noise of protest. "Give it back, Buck..." She whined, clearly fed up with the world and beyond. "Not gonna do that... You've had more than enough already. Just... Relax..." He asked of her, setting the glass down before going back to work.

Over forty-five minutes later, he finally stopped completely. He moved so he could sit next to her on the couch, leaning back into the corner and pulling her to his chest. Somehow, the alchohol had dissapeared in that time. He wrapped his arms around her gently, Hazel finally giving in and letting herself lie comfortably against him. He knew exactly what she was mad about, Pierce had told Fury and Fury told him.

They laid there in comfortable silence for a while, neither of them caring about the time. However, the longer they did so, the longer she had to think. She was out of a job, and with all of Pierce's connections she could count on being unemployed for years. She didn't like relying on Bucky, he was too good for that, but he insisted on helping her throughout whatever was going on. She was even living in one of the bedrooms on his floor in the Avengers tower, rent free.

The longer she thought.... The harder her emotions were to control. Tears sprung to her eyes, and as she began to cry quietly into his shirt, Bucky sat there, caring, patient.... understanding. She didn't cry for long, but her face had turned bright tred and it would be a while before it went back to normal.

"Why don't I talk to Stark tommorow.... See if he's got a position for you." She had made it quite clear she wasn't interested in the military like training that S.H.E.I.L.D. required, but.... Despite her (ex)current job as a secertary for the head of said organization, she had six years of science and medical training under her belt at the most top notch University around. She looked up at him in surprise, eyes wide. "Y-You'd do that? Really?" Bucky smiled softly, nodding.

"Of course I would.... I've talked about you with Bruce before, and he actually said he'd love to have someone besides Tony to help him out." At this, because her hormones were all wack and she was tired and upset, that didn't sound great. "You mean as another secretary..." She grumbled, but Bucky stopped her.

"No, sweetheart... As a lab partner. I don't think Bruce could function with a secretary, to be completely honest," He joked, and was relieved when it didn't fall flat. She chuckled softly, hope creeping in. "You really think he'd want... Me? After the mix up with Pierce?" "I know it."

And sure enough, the next day he went right ahead and did that, and by the day after that, Hazel was down working as ruce Banner's lab partner.... Without Pierce being any the wiser about it.

So.... Thoughts? Constructive criticism is always appreciated, because I'm still trying to figure out this whole writing thing. Night guys!

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