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(BIG WARNING! Gore, and decently graphic descriptions of torture and abuse. Please, don't read this if it will upset you in the wrong way. Also, Steve and Bucky have zero connection to eachother's past.)

When Steve led the raid against they Hydra base, he thought it was going to be a regular mission. Well, he was very, very wrong. There was a complication, and a major one at that.

He heard a slight noise behind a closed steel door, and he got ready to fight again. He kicked the door down, not wanting to try and open it and give any extra warning he was coming in, and what he found was sickening. The only light flooding the room, if you could even call it that, was what was coming in from the door. It smelled disgusting, like human waste, blood, and vomit. But what really mde his stomach do backflips (not in a good way) was what - or who - was in the corner.

Hands chained in such a way they hung above his head toghether (why was one of them shiny?!), slumped in the corner, was a man. Dark brown, matted hair that was filthy and greasy and crusted with blood hung in his face, shirtless chest exposing all his scars and gashes, angry, infected wounds, and what looked like a couple of not-so-healed bullet wounds. He might have been wearing pants, but they could hardly be called that now. They were practically shredded, and absolutely soaked with blood. Oh, and did I mention he was blindfolded and gagged with cloth?

The moment he heard the sound of the door being kicked down, he began to panic. Despite knowing it would only bring him more pain and discipline, he began to thrash around, struggling desperately against his restraints as tears welled up in his eyes. No more, god, he couldn't take any more of this. Strangled cries and whimpers escaped, muffled by the band of cloth in his mouth. No, this wasn't Bucky Barnes. This was the Winter Soldier, in all his glory.

They had broken him so badly that even as a brainwashed assassin trained for pain, this was the reaction he was having. Steve knelt and undid his gag, but only that just in case. The moment he did, frantic, desperate, pleading Russian escaped the brunette's lips. At least, Steve thought he had brown hair, but for all he knew it was just that filthy.

"Hey, slow down bud. I don't speak Russian." He said with a frown, eyes wide. He knew he had to help, but if the man understood English it would make things at least a little easier. Or so he thought.

After a moment, his blabbering switched to broken English, getting stronger every second.

"Please.... Please, please I can't take it! D-Don't, please! Please!" He was desperately trying to get further away from who he thought was his attacker, obviously terrified. "No more! No more.... Please, I'll be good! I'm ready to comply!" He continued to beg like that until Steve, with a heacy heart, placed the gag back in his mouth. He didn't tie, it, just holding it there gently. "Calm down... Talk to me. Did Hydra do this to you?"

Winter's chest was rising and falling rapidly, whimpering and crying out when the gag was replaced. When it left his mouth again, he took a milisecond to respond. Was this another game, just to get him to credit Hydra? Did they just want to see him admit defeat? Well, they'd get what they wanted. "Yes! Please, you did it! This was all you, but please, no more!" Steve set the gag down, but decided against undoing any of his other restraints. It was obvious he thought Steve was Hydra, and maybe if he kept it that way for a little longer he'd be able to-

It was just then that Steve realized exactly why his hand was shiny. His whole arm was made of metal, and his eyes zeroed in on the red star. This was the Winter Soldier in front of him, and suddenly he thought it was a very good idea to leave him restrained. Quickly, he undid the chain from the low ceiling, moving his hands so they were bound behind his back. Obviously whatever this chain was made of it could withstand his arm, he wanted to keep it that way.

When the begging didn't stop, he put the gag back in, not saying a word as he tied it behind his head and forced him to his feet. Shakily, he finally managed to get him to the Quinjet, though it certainly took a while. Winter had resinged himself to whatever new or all too familiar torture device they were bringing him to, so he didn't fight, only shook dreadfully and limped on his extremely bad leg.

Now, when Steve actually dragged him and his new 'friend' onto the jet, everyone else's reactions weren't the best. Before he could really do anything about it, Winter was locked in a holding cell, where Steve quickly followed. Only, the latter was on the outside of the bars. Until he let himself in, much to the team's distress, who were all watching on the security cams.

He took off the blindfold this time, watching Winter blink his eyes open slowly, whimpering in fright as he saw the large man in front of him. He didn;t remember this blonde, maybe he'd been assinged a new handler. No..... No! That was always the worst, when they found unique and creative ways to punish him, so he didn't even know what to expect....

The next thing was to go was the gag, but he didn't start begging this time. He flinched when he touched him again, but other than that stayed still as could be. Now, his actual restraints were never removed, but Steve conducted a bit of an interogation. And by the time he was done, a few hours later, he was convinced that the Winter Soldier wasn't doing it of his own free will. Even Natasha was convinced, and that was a hard thing to do.

Steve brought him some water and helped him drink, before begining to clean and stitch his wounds. It was a little frightening just how still he was, but Steve could still see the fear raging in Winter's stormy blue eyes. The latter passed out when Steve injected him with an extra strength drug, making sure he'd go under before he went back to the main part of the jet.

"What the hell am I doing...."

(Let me know if you'd liek to see a Part 2!)

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