Chapter 8

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I walked through the Hogwarts Express. Most of the compartments were full. Harry and Ron walked off, so I was by myself. I sat down in an empty compartment. Suddenly, a blonde boy walked by. "Ello. Can I sit here?" he said.
He sat down across from me. "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy."
"H-hello. I'm McKenna Potter." I smile a bit at him.
"Potter?" he says, "Is your brother Harry Potter?"

"Yes," I reply, "He's my twin." I silently wonder if Draco would be a good friend.

"Well, you seem nice. Wanna, I dunno, stick together?"

"Sure.. I'm glad to have a friend early on."

"Me as well, McKenna... Could I just call you Kenna?"


They sit silently for the whole train ride, until a older student comes in and says, "Time to get your robes on! We're about to be at Hogwarts."

"Thank you." I say to the older student, who wore a yellow tie.

"U-um, mind looking away while I change?" I ask Draco as I pull out my bag.

"O-oh. Um, sorry..." He turns towards the corner, as do I. When we finish, we sit back down, and suddenly the train stops. "I suppose it's time to get out." Draco says.

We walk out together, to see Hagrid shouting "First years! First years! Follow me!"

We do as told, and follow. He takes us to a large lake, with dozens of small boats. "Two in a boat only, please." the large man says.

Me and Draco get in one together, and we follow the big man up to a dock, where we all get off and walk to the castle. As we come inside, a tall lady confronts us. She is tall, with an emerald robe and hat, round spectacles, a stern, wrinkled face, and gray hair pulled back into a tight bun. "Welcome students. I am Professor McGonagall. Before the feast, you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house is to be like your family. Now, follow me." She leads us into a huge room with large doors.

As I look left and right, I see a large room with four big tables of students. The ceiling has floating candles, and looks like the night sky. Suddenly McGonagall stops at a platform. "Now, when I call your name, you will come up, we will place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." She held the hat in her hand. "Draco Malfoy." He came up, and sat on the stool. Even before the hat touched his head, it said in a loud voice, "SLYTHERIN!" Applause came from the table filled with green, I assumed that was Slytherin.

"Harry Potter." McGonagall said. My brother came forward. He sat down.

"Hmm..." The sorting hat said. "Lots of courage, hardworking, and just the right amount of spunk.. now where to put you.."

"Not Slytherin..." Harry whispered. "NOT SLYTHERIN, Eh?" The hat exlamed. "Well then, better be, GRYFFINDOR!!" Cheers came from the Gryffindor table as Harry ran over.

"Ronald Weasley." "Another Weasley? I know just what to do with you.. GRYFFINDOR!!" More cheers from the Gryffindors.

"Hermione Granger." "Hmm... GRYFFINDOR!!"

"McKenna Potter." I nervously walk up to the stool. Draco smiles at me from his table.

"Hmm... You would make a good Slytherin... Or Hufflepuff. But I think the best place for you is.. RAVENCLAW!!!" I smile and run over, where I am congratulated by dozens of Ravenclaws.

A few hours later, we are on our way to our dormitories. The Slytherins pass us, I smile at Draco. We walk upstairs and downstairs, and finally we make it to the common room. "Girls domitories on the left, boys on the right." says our prefect. I climb upstairs where a card on a bed has my name. All my stuff is beside it, including a welcome note. I spend some time with my new classmates, then I go to bed, dreaming of my new life tommorow.

Best update yet, am I right?

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