Chapter 20

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It was now the day of Maddie's party. The sun was almost at its setting point and the fire pit was ready to go. I'm currently sitting on a folded up chair next to Oliver about fifty feet away from the ocean.

"Why is it so cold?" I complain, wrapping myself up with another fluffy blanket. "Antartica is warmer than this."

"I don't know what more you want. You have all the blankets and towels plus you got the hot seat next to the bonfire," Oliver says.

"Yes, cause it's just a pleasure having ashes blown up in my face," I say, putting a new blanket around my head. "What time is it?"

"About seven thirty. I think they should be here pretty soon." I nod my head while pulling out my cell phone to text Sebastian. He said they were on their way and they should arrive in about a few minutes. "Oh, thanks again for the gift advice."

"Yeah, sure, no problem," I fake a soothing smile at him. I don't know why I feel so uncomfortable when either him or Sebastian brings up this topic. "So, which one did you end up picking?"

He takes a black box and opens it up. "What do you think?"

One glance at it and I can already tell that Maddie will fall head over heels for it. "You really like her don't you?" My voice softens.

Oliver takes a deep long sigh. "Okay, yes, I do. But I don't know what to do about it, I mean she is my brother's girlfriend overall. I'm trying my best to let it go, but the feeling keeps coming back. And now-I just don't know anymore. What do you think I should do?"

"Well-she is currently in a good relationship with Sebastian so I don't think you should really get in the way of that. But if this is really bothering you, I think you should talk with your brother first before anything happens with Maddie because knowing him, his whole depression cycle is gonna come back again."

"Yeah, I think so too," He says barely above a whisper.

"Oh, you're actually gonna take my advice?" I question to myself as he furrow his eyebrows at me.

Minutes later, Maddie and Sebastian comes walking in hand in hand. Maddie had a blindfold on and Sebastian was guiding her along the sand to the bonfire.

"Surprise," Everyone yells as her blindfold comes off.

A big smile reflects off of Maddie's face as she welcomes Sebastian with her arms. "Oh my gosh, thank you," Maddie says, before making her way to the others.

"Are you okay-" I say, turning my head to Oliver before realizing that he's gone. Where on earth did he go? Searching around the beach, I find him making his way to Sebastian. "Oh my god," I frustratedly whisper, giving myself a face palm.

"What happened?" Maddie asks, taking the open seat next to me.

"Oh, nothing, just looking at a picture on my phone."

"But you're not on your phone," Maddie says getting suspicious. There was an awkward silence for a moment. "What's going on?"

I bite down on my lip. "Well-I tried to-uh-" Attempting to come up with a lie on the spot, I failed. "You know what, you'll find out yourself in about five minutes."

"Find out what?" She asks.

"It's complicated. Just sit and watch," I suggest, eating a roasted s'more off my plastic plate. The sticky melted chocolates drips onto one of the blankets as I grunt in pain. "Ugh, I swear why couldn't they afford tables."

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