Chapter 22

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Sebastian's Pov

"Maddie, wait up," I say, trying to catch up to her as she rushed closer to the parking lot. Everyone else was still occupied at the bonfire. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it-"

She doesn't reply which makes feel even more guilty. "I'm sorry too."

"What?" I say as my jaw drops in shock. "Why would you need to apologize?" I question getting a little scared.

Biting on her lip, she carefully explains everything that has been going on with her and Oliver. "I'm sorry," she says again.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I say, getting a little worked up. "You both just decided to go behind my back?"

"I'm sorry Sebastian but-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Is that why I barely see you anymore?" I question.

She gulps a chunk of her saliva, "Look, the only reason we have been hanging out so much is because you're always busy with making and planning videos so-"

"So what? That just gives you permission to go behind my back with my brother!" I argue.

"What about you and Liv?" She yells back as tears start to roll down her cheeks and punch me in the gut for how I acted second ago. "I know you have feelings for her but you just won't admit it to yourself."

"Maddie, I don't have feelings for her. What I said before was just all an accident because I was just thinking about thanking her for something in the past."

"See, there it is. Why can't you just admit that you do? I know that I'm in the wrongs here but you have to claim your wrong doings too you know?" She says, but I still refuse. "Okay, let's face it, I'm just a terrible girlfriend and friend."

I pause.

"No, you're not," I chime in, "Look you're right, we both have stuff to blame in this relationship and I'm sorry for trying to push the crap all to you."

"Thank you," she mumbles under her breath. We stand in a long awkward silence until she decides to speak up. "So, are we okay?"

I sigh, "Yeah-" I drag on the word. Maddie pulls me into a small friendly hug as I shed out an unnoticeable tear.

She pulls away and looks back at the campfire where everyone was. "Is this it?" She asks.

"I guess so-" I drag on the word longer.

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