Chapter 21

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Sebastian's Pov

"Hey Seb, can we talk?" Oliver walks up to me with a worried face.

"What's wrong?" I question back.

"I-uh-have been meaning to tell you this for awhile now and I really hope what I'm about to say doesn't affect anything."

I raise an eyebrow, "You can stop with the sappy talk and just tell me what you did cause you're kind of creeping me out."

"Okay, that seems fair," Oliver says, taking a deep breathe. "I think I'm in-" He says but getting cut off from one Maddie's friends that's announcing that they're cutting the cake.

"What?" I question.

"I uh-never mind. It's not important, it can be hold off for later," Oliver shakes his head.

"Oh, um-alright."


Countless minutes after the whole ritual of the birthday cake, majority of Maddie's friends made a toast and clucked glasses. Next was Liv.

"I-uh-didn't know we were giving out sappy speeches but I guess I'll come up something off the top of my head," Liv says. I let out a small laugh, knowing that this would have occurred. My eyes seemed to be locked with hers throughout most of her speech and I wasn't complaining. "Now lets hear it from the host himself, Sebastian."

Claps of hands thundered across the beach as I shyly walk up next to Maddie. Just as Liv, I haven't prepared a whole speech but it's not like it's difficult to compliment Maddie.

"I'll start off by saying Happy Birthday to the birthday girl," I say as some more claps spreads around the beach. "We haven't known each other for too long but from what I know from the past weeks, you are just everything that I ever wanted. And when I say this, I really do mean all of it cause you mean a lot to me Liv-"

My eyes widen as loud gasps escape out of almost everyone listening. I look at Liv who was utterly shocked and back at Maddie who had the same exact expression.

"Maddie-" I quickly correct myself knowing that it's already too late.

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