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These update is for Uriddhi3190 as she requested I am giving only short update..

Arav: Dada I don't want to drink milk saying this he started running around dinning table..

Neil was also started running behind Arav...

Neil suddenly stopped running as he was already tried...

While arav turned back and sees neil who was sitting in chair...

Arav slowly went near neil and while neil was pretending that he is angry at him...

He went near neil and looked at neil and went and sat in his lap...
And started caressing his beard and making weird faces by seeing him like these neil at last laughed ...
Neil was upset with avni and started avoiding her but at last neil was about to give up his angry...

Avni did unexpected thing she went and sat on Neil's lap and she cupped his face...

Mean while neil was enjoying it....

Flashback ends.

Neil(in mind) arav you are same her by seeing you i will forget my pain.......

Neil: OK arav now drink these milk other wise i will not take you to mama...

Arav: Dada I don't like milk but I want to see mama...

Neil: OK these is problem no then I have an idea saying these he slightly starts playing with arav in mean time he made him drink milk...

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