loosing her( part-2)

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How are the chapter's after leap???

How is arav bonding with Neil??

Do I change the track or shall I continue???

Did you like the chemistry of Avneil?? Before leap..

how is story going on??
Neil: if you will not come then I will not leave you...

Avni: Neil I have to leave you...

Neil: OK then I am also coming with you...

Avni: no neil arav needs you...

Neil: he needs you more then me so I will go....

They started fighting soon god arrived there and said both needs to go down and slightly pushed both of them.....

Soon Neil got conscious and took arav in his arms...

Feeling the warmest arav stopped crying...

Soon avni's heart beat started raising doctor checks her and says she is out of danger...

Police arrives there and says we didn't find the body of virat...

All were shattered by listening to these while back they are happy that avni is out of danger...

Police: in fire accident we found watch these indicates that he is no more...

Flashback ends...
Villain:she has taken away my Neil from me so i am not going to leave her...

She tells something to there men's...

By the time Neil and arav arrived there...

They went  inside the room and here we can see avni sleeping neil caressed her hair....

neil placed Arav next to avni

Arav: papa mama...

neil: yes Arav mama is here naa so now no crying...

while arav with his little hands wipes neil tears...

neil just adores him...

doctor comes there and checks her..

neil: doctor how she is now..

doctor: she recovering and after her plastic surgery...

neil: can we shift her to home and we will continue the treatment in my house...

doctor: ok then I will make papers ready so that you can shift her...

neil arav goes with doctor

as they left and some men's enters there and injects the saline...

and goes out from there nurse enters there and she goes running to doctor where neil was also present there..

nurse: doctor patient heart beat is becoming low..

by listening these neil heart beat skips..

will doctor's able to save her?? or not?? who is after avni?? any guess...

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