Chapter 13

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The car ride was awkwardly quiet. "I've been doing it for a month." I peek at him. I wonder what he was thinking. The rest of the car ride was quiet and full of tension.

As we pulled up to his house, I was breathless. His house was a beautiful two story brick house. It was a mansion,compared to mine. I felt like a lost princess that was searching for her castle. I honestly never seen anything like it before.

I got out of the car and I started feeling uneasy. I never been to a "friend's" house before. "Welcome to the Hayes home.' He says with a chuckle. In such awe, all I can say is "it's beautiful.' He opens the door and lets me in first.

A lady appeared from the kitchen,all in smiles. "What held you up for so long,Hunter?" She walks over and pulled him into a hug. He hugs her back and introduces me. And he turns to me. I freeze.

"Hi. My name is Lynette,Hunter's mom." I smile. "I'm Danielle. Nice to meet you." And she pulls me into a hug. "It's good to see that he's already making friends." I smile slightly. "If you guys are hungry, I made some pizza rolls in the kitchen." I 'm already feeling better. Even after everything that happened at school.

Hunter points to the kitchen. "Hungry?" I nod. I think that this is the first time in forever that I actually feel..happy.

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