Chapter 18

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I wake up and lay in bed, thinking about everything that happened at school yesterday. I finally get up and got dressed. I put on my favorite gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans and a light blue hoodie.

It was raining and kind of breezy this morning. Probably going to storm later on today.

After I get dressed, I walk over to my cd player and turn it on and "Amnesia" starts playing. I forgot I was even listening to that cd.

I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted

I thought about our last kiss, how it felt the way you tasted

And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine

Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?

When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?

If what we had was real, how could you be fine?

'Cause I'm not fine at all...

I sit on my bed,just listening to the song playing softly, when my mother yells. "Kate! There's someone at the door for you!" I pause ,trying to figure out who might be at the door for me. Finally, I stand up and walk slowly downstairs.

When I get to the door, I take a deep breath and open the door. There stood Hunter in all smiles. "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to ride to school with me." I stood awkwardly. "Um.. Let me go ask my mom." I started to close the door but I thought it would be rude to leave him outside while it was raining so I invited him in. "Do you want to come in?" He nodded and I opened the door up more so he could get in.

I led him to the kitchen. "I'll be back in a second." I walked into the living room where my mom was sitting. "Can a... friend take me to school?" She looked up from the TV and looked at me. "Who?"I sigh. "Hunter. The one I went with yesterday." She nodded. "Yeah I guess."

I turned and left quickly before she changed her mind. When I got back to the kitchen, Hunter was sitting at the table, looking through a photo album and I made an abrupt stop,accidentally hitting my knee on a chair. He quickly closed the album and stood up. "She said yes." I said as I held my leg off the floor.

"Okay. Are you ready?" I grabbed my backpack that was sitting on the floor then nodded. I slowly started walking behind him to the door. He turns the knob and opens the door so I could walk out first. I slowly walked out and turned to wait for him.

He closed the door. I quickly turned and started walking toward the car. It was a quiet May morning. There were only 17 more days until school was out and every since Hunter started coming here, I really didn't want school to end. "What's your plans for this summer?" I ask,trying to break the silence as we reach the car.

He thinks for about minute or two before answering. "Hmm. I'm not sure yet." He says,as he opens my door. I slide into the car. I look down and see a cd case and a coffee cup in the center. He opens the door and gets in and smiles at me. "What are your plans for this summer?" He asks as he starts the car. "Probably nothing like every summer." When he turns the car on, the car starts playing a fairly upbeat song.

Hunter points at the radio. "That's 'Haven't Met You Yet' by Michael Buble." I nod slightly. We pull out of my driveway and head to school. I start to worry about what's gong to be said when we get to school. I try to push the thought from my head. "Do you want some coffee or something? I'll pay." And he smirks. "A coffee sounds good." So we pull into the Starbuck's. "What do you want?" I never been to the Starbuck's here so I'm not sure how to answer. "Surprise me?" I say weakly. And he nods and closes the door while I wait in the car.

A few moments later, he comes back and hands me a cup. "Here's a white chocolate Mocha Frappucino." I carefully took it from his hand. I took a small sip at first. "It's really good. Thank you." And I gave him a reassuring smile. He started the car and we headed onto school.

*Oh my gosh guys! I actually listened to Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble and it was actually really good!! Anyways, THANK YOU for all the reads/votes!!*

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