9 - Fun at the Beach!

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[ An ocean breeze puts a mind at ease ]

The sun shined brightly on another typical Saturday morning.You had nothing planned for today...that was until a certain somebody decided to barge in throughout your slumber...

Y/N:Is this how you say goodmorning?

Alexa:Trust me.This was the only way of waking you up.

You layed back with your eyes shut and sighed.

Y/N:What's on your mind Bliss?

Alexa:I want to go to the beach!

Y/N:Then go.

Alexa:You're coming with me!


Alexa:Really? I thought that you'd put up more of a fight.

Y/N:Why would I? Today the weathers at its optimum setting.

Alexa:Good,because I already invited my sister over.

Y/N:Uh- sorry all of a sudden I don't feel too well! Rain check?


Y/N:You know we don't get along...

Alexa:I know.

Y/N:I'm only going if I get to invite Y/F.
(Y/F is Your Friend)

Alexa:Y/F? The one who was flirting with me two weeks ago right?

Y/N:Er uh maybe,yeah.

Alexa:Ugh fine! He can come...

Y/N:Sweet.Well with that being said let me make us some breakfast! You didn't eat right?

Alexa:Nope! Make me some pancakes please!

Y/N:You got it!


Y/N:Okay so here's the plan Y/F.You ready?

Y/F:What's the plan?

Y/N:Keep Kailyn away from me!

Y/F:Huh? Why so?

Y/N:Lets just say that we don't have the best relationship ever...

Y/F:She's pretty hot if you ask me.So I guess I'll do you this favor just this one time...

Y/N:Now that we're up to an agreement , let's carry these surfboards over.

Y/F:So you want Lexi all to yourself right?

You could hear the tease in his voice, you shook your head.

Y/N:It's not like that...

Meanwhile with Lexi and Kailyn...

Alexa:Can you play nice with Y/N? Please Kailyn?


Alexa:Thank you!

Kailyn:Whose that other guy?

Alexa:Y/F? He's Y/Ns friend.They go way back.

Kailyn:I think I can see them.

When you approached them Y/F hit them with a quick flex before looking Kailyn up and down getting a glare from her.

Y/F:You ladies ready to hit the waves or what?

Kailyn:Uh , sure?

Y/N:Alright then.Now that we have the boards, let's not waste anymore time! Lexi your coming with me.

Alexa:Your going to teach me how to boogie board right?

Y/N:Like I promised, I will teach you.

Alexa:Lets go!

Alexa grabs your wrist dragging you along the coastline, you turn your head and see Y/F flashing you a devilish smile.

Y/F:Sooo Kailyn now that they ditched us...what do you want to do?

Kailyn:Well if I'm honest...I want to know how to swim better.

Y/F:Swimming? I can help you with that.

Kailyn:Don't attempt anything weird Y/F!

With Y/N and Alexa...

Y/N:Seems like you're getting the hand of this!

Alexa:You think so?



Y/N:Do you want to test it out on your own?


Y/N:I'll be right behind you.

You steadily pushed her throughout the ocean while she kept focus on her strides.

Alexa:I think I have the hang of this.Do you think I'm ready for a wave?

Y/N:Uh let's wait until next time!

Alexa:You don't think that I'm ready?

Y/N:I'm not saying that, its just that you're new to boogie boarding so let's just ease into it.

Alexa:Well said.

Y/N:Looks like your sister and Y/F are getting along well.


Y/N:Think they'll make a cute couple?

Alexa:Uh- slow your role there Y/N.My sister is not into Y/F...

Y/N:That was harsh huh?

Alexa:Not at all.Pull me ashore please!


Y/N:Now that we're back home from a long and fun day at the beach, what would the goddess like for dinner?

Alexa:I'll just have some leftovers or something , no need to exert yourself.

Y/N:Is the goddess being nice towards me?

Alexa:Can it! Next time I'll make you dinner! Fair?

Y/N:Fine.Just try not to burn the house down okay?

S4D : Thanks for reading, you know what to do...

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