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"Yah Jeongyeon unnie.. We setted up something
and I hope you're okay with it cause it'll actually
raise up your chance on getting accepted."

Mina fixed her purple hoodie as she talks, making the eldest look at her in a look that's saying What?.

"Well uh.. We've setted up the band on the blossom tree up there so you can sing something for Jihyo unnie." Mina said, licking her lower lip out of nervousness.

Jeongyeon paused for a second, then nodded with a smile with Mina's brilliant idea. "You're a genius, Mina-ah,"

Mina smirked then dragged her and Chaeyoung over the blossom tree to fix things up already.

As they were walking over their destination, Chaeyoung suddenly got curious over something.

"What song will you sing for Jihyo unnie?"

Jeongyeon froze, forgetting that she needs a song to sing for Jihyo that fits the atmosphere and concept of the scenery.

"A-Ah.." The older stuttered, making Mina interrupt their conversation because she has an idea on what the older will sing.

"Maybe you should sing Outside With The Cuties by Frankie Cosmos?" Mina suggested, her eyes filled with sparkles as she suggests a song that's sang by her favorite artist.

Jeongyeon froze again for a second, thinking if the song will suit the whole scenery.

After some thinking, she nodded and decided to go with that song. Mina smiled as she dashes over their destination due to excitement.

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"Hey Momoring, where have you been?"

Dahyun clung onto Momo's arms as Momo kept walking, making Dahyun walk too. Momo's not really at the mood for anything today since she's still stressed.

Dahyun kept on asking the same thing, making Momo annoyed again. So she decided to just answer something.

"Nowhere." She said, getting rid of the grip of Dahyun's hands onto her arms. Dahyun frowned over how little her girlfriend answered.

"Hirai.. Are you mad.. ?" The latter asked, making Momo look at her with a blank expression.

"I'm not.."

The older grabs her black and pink colored backpack from her locker then left the school, leaving Dahyun dumbfounded with a frown plastered on her face.

Tzuyu then arrived, seeing Dahyun who's glaring onto her with her burning eyes.

"Tzuyu, whatever happened to you and Momo before around third to sixth period, it meant nothing and you're only her friend."

Tzuyu laughed sarcastically, making Dahyun look pathetic infront of everyone especially to Tzuyu's eyes.

Tzuyu then stopped laughing and smirked, "Honestly Dahyun.." She started then smirked even more.

"I don't give a flying fuck."

he then bumped onto her purposely to grab her backpack then left Dahyun on her own.

".. Fucking Tzuyu." Dahyun cursed under her breath, grabbing her pink girly sling bag then went out.

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"Thanks for the treat, Sana-yah."

Jihyo sipped the last bits of the milktea as Sana and Nayeon stood up from their own chairs, making Jihyo do the same too after sipping the last bits.

"I have to go now, thank you guys for the treat~" Jihyo said, bidding her goodbye then walked away.

But before she could go, Sana grabbed her hands then gently pulled her back to them.

"E-Eh? Sana.. ?" Nayeon grabbed a blindfold then wrapped it around Jihyo's eyes softly, tying it on the back as it was placed properly.

"What kind of joke is this you two? Please remove the blindfold, I have to go somewhere," Jihyo nervously bit her lip due to confusion on what the two has been doing.

"Just go with the flow Jihyo-ah~ You'll love this don't worry," Said Nayeon with a hint of smirk in her voice, which Jihyo fears.

"Calm down Hyohyo, this will be good don't worry," Sana said with her most convincing and sweetest voice, making Jihyo slightly trust them.

"Just follow our lead unnie~"
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A/N: TWICE is gonna
have their comeback!

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