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After dinner, we cleaned up and Peg showed Edward where he would sleep. "You'll sleep in Kim's room until she comes home. Sleep well." And of course it was a water bed. Great for someone who has scissors for hands. Well I wasn't gonna go to Aunt Joyce's because I don't want to be there. So they settled me in Bills man cave or whatever. After getting in bed, I laid there and thought about how when everyone finds out who he is, everyone will want him around. And I know Joyce will want to be around him, that hoe. And I know I'll have to protect him from everyone. As thought more and more, I fell asleep.

I wake up and go upstairs to start breakfast. I go into the living room and Peg has Edward sitting on a chair with his hair pulled up. She's sitting in front of him with a bunch of cream stuff for your face. "Oh (y/n)! Good morning, I was trying to help Edwards scars!" I laugh, "well have fun I'm going to make breakfast," I look over at Edward, "good morning Edward," I smile. "Hi," he said with a small smile. I go to the kitchen to start up breakfast.

Le time skip

Me and Edward go outside and he goes up to a bush. Bill and Kevin and his friend are listening to a game while Bill slowly cuts the bush. "Turn it up Kev," Bill said. He cuts two leaves trying to listen. Edward copies Bills movements. Then he starts going crazy and cutting it up. "Oh yeah! Did you hear that Mr. B?" "No turn it up," but as Kevin went to turn it up, he noticed Edwards work on the once messy bush has now turned into a dinosaur. "Dad, look," he pointed at the dinosaur bush. "Wow Edward, it's amazing," I say. He smiles.

Next Edward did the whole Bogg family as bushes. Peg came out. "Oh Edward! It's the whole family, look Bill!" Bill looks over from his game, "wow Ed, amazing." Then Esmeralda came into the backyard and said, "it's not heaven he's from! It's straight from the stinking flames of hell! The power of satan is in him, I can feel it. Can't you? Have you poor sheep strayed so far from the path?" He walks towards her and says, "we're not sheep," but she backs out and yells, "don't come near me!" She leaves. The doorbell rings and Peg goes to get it. "Don't listen to her. She's crazy," I say. I walk into the house and all the neighbors are at the door. Ugh, what do they want? "Oh (y/n), you didn't come home last night, you should've told me you were staying here," Joyce says. I roll my eyes not wanting to explain myself. "Well Peg what time does the barbecue begin?" Peg looks a little confused. "Barbecue?" Joyce rolls her eyes, "yes, you do intend to show your guest hospitality by introducing them to your friends?" He's just fine not meeting any of you people, I thought. "Uh, Bill," Peg yells. "What time did you say it was?" "Bill!"  "Around 5?" Everyone then starts volunteering what they're bringing. "And I will bring the ambrosia salad," Joyce smiles. Esmeralda comes towards the house, "he has been sent first to temp you, but it's not to late, you must push him away from you, expel him! Trample down the perversion of nature!" Joyce laughs, "you hear that, he's a perversion of nature," she says it as if she finds that sexy. "Well you better go make whatever you're making, bye," I slam the door. "Ugh, they're gonna give me a headache," I tell Peg. "Oh I'm sorry dear but now I have to tell Bill." She runs off to find Bill. I better get ready to help keep those tramps away from him.

Protect at All Costs | Edward Scissorhands x Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now