Big News

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        "Hunter, wake up or you're going to be late for your first day school."  My father's voice thundered through the long hallway. 

        Great the first day of my new school, new people, new teachers. I have never loved moving around and having new people. I'm not quite what you would call a social butterfly; I would rather be reading a book, than talking to anyone.         

        I had to practically drag myself out of bed to go get in the shower. I walked over to my large walk-in closet and grabbed my favorite pair of light colored skinny jeans, a burn-out superman shirt and my black vans, then headed to the bathroom to shower. I straightened my hair, did my makeup, and grabbed my backpack. I ran down the stairs, grabbed a piece of toast and raced out the door to the bus. I sat in the front alone; I was okay with that.

        The school was really small, one story, three buildings, four hallways, that's it. Definitely not where I was used to going to school; my old school in LA was so much larger. I met with the school counselor to help me find my classes; I was fairly certain that it wouldn't be that hard, nevertheless, I let him show me around. After seeing where all of my classes would be, I went back to my homeroom classroom and sat in the back row. Not really paying attention to who walked through the door, I sat on my phone watching an episode of my favorite anime show, Attack On Titan. Next thing I knew, the classroom was full of people and a teacher. I took out my headphones, paused my show, and turned off my phone.

        "Good morning everyone." the teacher started, "My name is Ms. Elliot, welcome back. So, lets go around the room and tell each other our favorite place, favorite food, favorite thing about the summer, and least favorite thing about the summer."

        We went around the room starting with a boy named Jason, and kept going until we got to me. I stood up and said, "Hi, my name is Hunter, my favorite place is LA, my favorite food is food, my favorite thing about this summer was getting to hang out with my friends, my least favorite thing was moving here." I sat down instantly. What a stupid little kids' introduction. We received our math books then the class was over. Going through the hall I did everything not to draw attention to my self. I walked with my head down and books in my arms. There were a group of boys pushing each other around as I walked up to them. One of the boys jumped back to avoid his friends and bumped into me. I tripped over his foot, fell forwards, and threw my books, phone, and pencils everywhere. I didn't want to get up but I knew I couldn't just lay in the middle of the hall. Laughter erupted through out the entire school; I was so embarrassed. The boy helped me up, I picked up my stuff then I ran out the nearest door. The boy followed me. Tears streaming down my face I collapsed in the football field that was right outside the door. I wiped my tears on my shirt and tried to make myself look normal. The boy stood behind me, "Are you okay?" he asked. "I am so sorry, my name is Luke." 

        "I'm fine," I said, "Just the worst first day of a new school ever."

        "Here, let me help you up." he said. I let him, then I went through out the rest of my day.

        Luke was tall, blond, thin, but muscular. He had blue eyes, and a lip ring, a perfectly chiseled jawline. Let's face it, he was gorgeous.

        At the end of the day, I got on the bus and went home. As soon as I arrived home, I went to my room, sat on my bed and cried. I never wanted to go back to that school ever again. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until the next day. 

        I practically did the same thing as yesterday, avoiding everyone, and getting through the day as fast as I could. I missed the bus to go home so... I had to walk. My house was maybe 7 miles away from the school, I started down the road which soon lead to main street. 

        "Hey," I heard someone yell from beside me over the sound of my headphones. "Hey," they said again. This time I turned to see who was trying to get my attention. It was Luke driving a large SUV. I removed my headphones and looked at him. "I never got your name," he said with a smirk. "It would be nice to know. 

        "My name is Hunter," I said to him with a mocking smile. 

        "Well, Hunter, It's nice to meet you, officially. Don't you ride my bus?" He said. "Bus number two?" 

        "Yeah, well I normally do, I missed it today. So... Now I get to walk the seven miles home."

        "Do you want a ride? You probably don't live that far away from me." He said.

        "Umm, I hardly even know you, why would I get in a car with you? For all I know, you're some creepy rapist." I said. 

        "Well, Hunter, I am charming and adorable, how could you not trust me?" he said with a side smirk. "I am certainly not a rapist, I can promise you that much."

        "Well, sense you can vouch for your self, I will just have to trust you now wont I?" I said almost laughing. 

        "Ahhh, come on, I'm not going to let you walk seven miles home."

        "Fine," I said as I climbed into the car. "I live on Lake street," I said.

        "I know exactly where you live, I get on the bus before you do, well, when my mom had my car." Luke stated.

        "You know, you're kinda creepy," I said. 

        "I'm creepy good," he said as we pulled up to my house. 

        "Well, thank you for the ride Luke, I will see you tomorrow at school," I said.

        "Yeah, hey, do you want a ride to school? I live three doors down," he said. 

        "Sure," I said. "I would like that. Thank you. 

        "You're welcome. Oh, one more thing there is a party at my house Friday night, if you want to come that is. No alcohol, no drugs, no catch, just food, dancing, and me." 

        "I will think about it, and let you know tomorrow morning," I said. 

        "Okay, I will pick you up at 7:45 tomorrow morning. Have a good night Hunter, see you in the morning." Luke said.

        "Bye Luke, see you in the morning." 

        As I walked into the house Luke pulled out of the driveway. My parents, both standing in the kitchen wondering who the boy was that I was in a car with. They are super over protective. Then again we are from LA. You cant trust anyone there. Luke isn't like the people in LA though. He is nice, charming, he kind of makes this whole move easier. I know that I just met the guy when he plowed me over, he still has something intriguing about him. I'm not sure what quite yet. 

        I walked up the stair after talking to my parents, explaining who Luke was, and after eating dinner. I put on my pajamas, climbed into my bed, and as soon as my head hit my pillow, I was asleep. 

New girl in town. *Unedited*Where stories live. Discover now