C5. Monstrous Human Sacrifice 1

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That night
Raimu POV
All of us here are test our new recipes of drinks called Potion of Delight while the 6 others are sleeping (Asahi, Taylor, Saro, Haru, Daitan and Akari)

Gary: So Sam what kind of Delight Potion is yours?

Sabrina: Strawberry Love. The sweet loveliness in the heart once you fall in love with blooming blossoms. A strawberry milkshake you'll love. I'll take this one.

Gary: Excellent . Now who's next?

Seola and Yeorum: We'll go

Isaku: Okay take it away.

Seola and Yeorum takes two bottles of their own.

Isaku: Now what do you two pick?

Seola: Happy Synthesizer. Mix of raspberries, peaches and milk is the fun passion of yours.

Yeorum: Glowing Maker. Mix of summer mille milk and butterfly pea extract to enlighten the light of yours.

The girls take a small sip of the drinks they're trying of 5 seconds and let go.

Seola: Hmm not a bad taste. I mean it's taste really good

Yeorum: Yeah it's sweet.

Akihiro: Next.

The next one who'll be taking the drink testing is Nancy and Yeonwoo.

Chibaki: Well what do you two pick?

Nancy: Sweet Life. Great opportunity of Tropical fruits and cream in one go.

Yeonwoo: Mingle Mango. A sweet mango twist in a good way.

And the girls take a sip.

Nancy: mmm taste good

Yeonwoo: What a perfect mango flavor.

Raimu and Dustin: Now it's our turn.

Dustin and I get the same flavor.

Raimu and Dustin: Lucky Honey. The sweet honey milk tea with a magic of love.

We almost blush to the sense of romance.

Yeorum: Did Raimu and Dustin blushed hard?

Mark: I think they are .

Everyone is making noise sounded like teasing us.

Thomas: My brother is growing up so fast.

Eunwoo: It's been years that Dustin and Raimu are in a relationship.

Sabrina: Aww I shipped these two. One million percent.*kilig noise*

Dustin POV
I think everyone us right. We are in a relationship after Thomas and Sabrina met. As soon as possible I make way for it.

Dustin: Looks like we need rest coz it's almost late now.

Gary: Okay

Marvin: Whatever you say Dustin. Sabrina, do you wanna try more flavors tomorrow?

Sabrina nodded and we all go back to our rooms and started to sleep.

At 12:00 AM

Raimu POV
I can't sleep all of the sudden because there's a sudden noise coming from outside. I checked out where it come from. I try to take a look at the cfe if that banging noises come from but it's not there. So I decided to go back in my until......... An old woman with red hair, wrinkled body and long nails appearing in the window of the other room. She keeps scratching and clinging loudly to the window with her sharp long nails.

Soultheif Raimu and Soul healer Sabrina Sam 'The Miraclic Soul Mages'Where stories live. Discover now