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The next morning I wake up, still in Sweet Pea's arms. He looks so young when he sleeps, so innocent. I still don't understand how Archie could think they're thugs. Then he opens his eyes and looks at me, smiling. "Good morning, Angel." He says with an husky voice. His morning voice is so hot, I just can't. "Morning, Sweets. Have you slept well?" I ask. "Perfect. You?" He asks. "I never slept better." I say smiling and I kiss his cheek. "You wanna take a shower?" He asks. "If you don't mind." I say. "Why would I mind? C'mon you can borrow one of my shirts." He says. "Okay." I say. "The shower is at the end of the hallway, the shirts are in the first drawer. And I'll be in the kitchen, making us breakfast." He says and then kisses my cheek.

About half an hour later I'm done taking a shower and stuff, so I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast with my lovely boyfriend.


When I walk into the kitchen Sweet Pea's mouth falls open and his eyes widen

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When I walk into the kitchen Sweet Pea's mouth falls open and his eyes widen. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asks worriedly and he chuckles walking towards me. "Yes." He says. "What?" I ask. "My lips." He answers and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and then pull back. "You look hot, beautiful, stunning and most important of all... mine." He says pecking my lips and handing me a plate. I eat my breakfast and then my phone goes off.

"Hey Toni." I say.

"Hey, Jay. So how are you and Sweets?"  She asks.

"We're good." I say.

"Are you guys dating?"  She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Oh my god, finally! But I didn't call to ask that tho. You guys wanna hang at the Whyte Wyrm?" She asks

"Hell yeah. We'll meet you there in 10." I say and then hang up.

"C'mon Babe, we're going to the Wyrm." I say and he smiles. "Okay let's go, Angel." He says.

About 5 mins later we're at the Wyrm and so is Toni. We're sitting at the bar and Sweet Pea has his arm wrapped around me. "You guys are so cute together." Toni remarks. "So cute." Fangs adds and I smile. "We know." Sweet Pea informs him and I chuckle. Toni smiles and then pulls me with her to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. "I saw you leaving with him last night, so I was wondering... Did you guys... you know, have sex?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows. I smile and shake my head no. "No we didn't... But, he did gave me these." I say pulling my hair to the back.  Her eyes widen, she looks at me and then smiles. "Sweet Pea did that?" She asks in disbelief and I nod. "Well, maybe you'll get the D tonight." She says wiggling her brows again and I shake my head in disaproval, but smile at her comment.

We walk back to the bar and I pull Sweet Pea off his chair, while Toni takes Fangs. We start to dance, just the 4 of us. We start lauging and Toni puts on 'Pony from Magic Mike' we watched that movie together and I smile, taking Sweet Pea's large hands in mine. I turn my back to him and put his hands on my waist. He kisses my neck softly and we start grinding against each other. When the song's over we take back our seats at the bar and get something to drink.

After a long day of drinking and hanging out, Sweet Pea anc I head home. Archie has agreed to bring you some fresh clothes, you are very, very gratefull for that. Sweet Pea anx I are watching a movie when I get up to grab a drink. "Grab me a drink too, will ya?" Sweet Pea yells froms his room. "Sure thing, dad." I say mocking the last word, because my dad would often say the exact same thing. "Don't call me that." He says as you walk back into the room. "Why not? You don't like it, dad?" I say smirking. "Stop it." He says, his voice lower.

"And why should I?" I ask teasingly. "Because I tell you so." He says crawling up and hovering over me. "Oh really? And why do you tell me so?" I ask, still teasing him. "Because I don't like it." He says, his cheeks going red. I smirk and bring my mouth to his ear. "Does this bad boy have a daddy kink?" I ask him, looking at his face. His cheeks grow a few shades darker red and I smirk. He looks at me and I bite my lip. "Stop teasing." He snaps. "What are you going to do about it, daddy?" I ask still looking at him. "This..." He says kissing me roughly. And you can fill in the rest of it yourself...

"Wow, that was the best sex I ever had..." He says and I smile. "I'm grad you think so." I say and he chuckles. "We should definitely do that again..." He says. "Definitely." I say. Then I cuddle up against him and drift off into a deep, nice sleep.

"Sweet dreams, Angel."

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