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After I calm down I walk back to the kitchen and continue making food. When Archie wakes up he needs to eat something. When I'm done I walk back into the living room and see Archie awake, sobbing onto Betty's chest. She shakes her head as a sign he isn't doing good. I put the plate with food down on the table in front of the couch and kneel down in front of Archie, grabbing his hands.

"Arch..." I start and he looks up, tears still falling down his cheeks. "You need to eat something..." I tell him and he shakes his head. "I can't, I can't, I can't." He says and I feel the tears forming in my eyes again, I hate seeing him like this. "You have to, Arch. You can't starve yourself." Betty tells him. "No, no, I can't." He says and I sit down on the couch next to him. I pull him into a hug and he sobs onto my shoulder. "I loved her, Jay. I ca-can't live without her." He sobs. "I know Arch. I know." I say and I feel a tear rolling down my cheek. Then an idea pops into my head.

"You know what? Let's go to pop's, just like old times. You, me, Betty and Jug." I tell him and he nods. Betty nods too and she picks up her phone to call Jug. He agrees to come and so we drive to pop's.

When we are there Archie cheers up a bit. We order our favorite food and he actually eats. "This is nice, isn't it Arch?" I ask him and he nods. I swear I even saw a small smile forming on his lips, but fades as soon Satan and the she-devil walk in (Reggie and Veronica). I get up and walk towards them, but Jug grabs my wrist and pulls me back. "Hey, they're not worth it." He says and I nods, sitting down. Luckily we already finished our food, so we pay and head home. At home we pick a movie. We watch 21 Jump Street, because it's the funniest movie ever made. "Oh my god. I almost died because I laughed so hard." I say and everyone nods in agreement. Even Archie laughed during the movie. Then we watched 22 Jump Street, but all fell asleep halfway trough the movie.

*The Next Morning*

I wake up to the smell of pancakes, but everyone is still asleep. I walk into the kitchen and see my dad baking pancakes. "Hey, dad." I say sitting down. "Good morning, Princess." He says. "Did something happen? Because the last time you four had a sleep over was when... You know I got shot." He says and I nod. "Unfortunately, something did happen." I say looking down. "What happened?" Dad asks worry in his voice. 

"Veronica, she broke up with Arch and then kissed Reggie right in front of him. She broke his heart, dad. When he came home, he started crying and then cried himself to sleep. Then I called Betty, she came over. Then he woke up and started crying again. I had made food, but he said he couldn't eat, so I asked if we could go to Pop's like old times. He agreed so we called Jug and went to Pop's. We had dinner in peace, but then Veronica and Reggie showed up. I wanted to punch them, but Jug stopped me and we went home. At home we watched 21 Jump Street and we wanted to watch 22 too, but we fell asleep and now..." "I wanna eat pancakes." Archie says cutting me off, walking into the kitchen with Jug and Betty.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty's." I say smiling. "Morning, Wednesday. Mr. Andrews." Jug says and we all burst out into laughing, because of Jug's face. "So, how are you feeling Arch?" I ask him and he looks down a bit. "Like my heart got ripped out and stepped on with a heal." He says. "Isn't that exactly what happened?" Jug asks and Archie chuckles a bit. "Yeah." He says and dad gives him a sad smile. "I know how it feels, son." He says pulling him into a hug. "Thanks, Dad." Archie says and dad nods. Then there's a knock on the door. Archie and I go open it and we see Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni standing there. "We heard what happened and we wanted to cheer you up." Toni says. "So, Andrews what do say... You joining the party?" Sweet Pea asks. "I guess a little fun couldn't hurt." Archie says and I smile. "Come in." I tell them. "We'll go get changed and then we'll go with you." I say and peck Sweet Pea on the lips as I run upstairs. I put on some fresh clothes and spray on some deodorant.


I do my hair and makeup and then I walk downstairs only to see Jug and Arch already sitting there waiting for me

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I do my hair and makeup and then I walk downstairs only to see Jug and Arch already sitting there waiting for me. "Where's Betty?" I ask. "She couldn't come, because her mom called her home." Jug says and I nod. "Let's go then." Toni says. We walk outside and hop on the bikes. "You look hot in that outfit, Babygirl." Sweet Pea whispers into my ear and I smirk. "Only for you, Babe." I tell him and he smiles. After a 10 minute drive we arrive at the Whyte Wyrm. We do some shots and dance for hours. Sweet Pea and I make out a bit and around 3 am Archie and I head home. When we're home we go straight to bed.

Then around 5 am I wake up to someone mumbling what then turns into yelling my name. "Jayden! No! Don't die! Please! You can't leave me!" Archie's yells, so I jump outta bed and sprint into his room. He's asleep, having a nightmare. "Hey, Arch. Wake up, it's just a dream. Wake up Arch. I'm right here." I say and he shoots up, opening his eyes. "Jayden." He says sighting and pulling me into a hug. I return it and then he let's go of me. "You're here. You're okay. God, I thought I lost you." He says hugging me again. "You won't get rid of me that easy Arch, you know that. And besides, it was just a dream." I tell him. 

"I know, but it looked so real."

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