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Okay, so

I was my local minor league baseball team's game today and somethin scary happened.

Every game there is at least one ball that flys up to the Whitaker Bank suite and hits the door. Always, without fail.

We sit in the suite because my aunt works at the bank and can get us tickets.

Anyway, my mom and brother left to get us all ice cream so my dad, my two year old sister, and I are alone in the suite. My dad lays my sister down on the couch to change her diaper. The couch is directly in front of the door and the ball hasn't come up yet so, I go stand at the door and watch the game (never thinking to close the door smh). 

A minute later the Whiter Bank ball comes flying up, the door is open, and my dad is changing my sister's diaper behind me. There's no time to warn him to get her out of the way or close the door. My only option was to throw my hand up (without a catchers mit cause I left it at home) and hope that the ball either bounces off of it or is redirected because I'm convinced it's gonna hit my sister.

 I hold my hand up and the ball hits my thumb, not enough to break it but the pad of my finger is a pretty shade of purple. (Understand how fast these balls are going please. Over the years of me sitting in that suite at least four of them have put a dent in the door) The ball then proceeds to zoom between my dad and sister, inches from their heads, and hit the door behind them.

 So, yeah, the couple inches my hand redirected the ball was the couple inches between it and my sister's head.

I swear I'm not fabricating any of this, I have the swollen thumb to prove it.

And my sister has the ball.

 Well, there's the story of how my little sister got her first baseball.

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