The Bus Ride ≫ 01

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Momoi just smiled. "Yup. We're going to a game against Kaijō High!"

Aomine complained, glaring at her, "Why tell us this now?"

"So you have no choice but to come!"

I watched the two go at it, sighing. Wakamatsu joined in the argument, telling both of them to shut up, though they barely paid any attention to him.

Sakurai started to pace around, telling himself it was his fault for this dilemma and I tried to calm him down.

It was such a scene to behold, I almost wished I got out my video camera and recorded it all.

Who knows. Maybe it'll become the next comedy anime.


We all managed to pile onto the bus. Unfortunately, due to a turn of events, instead of sitting next to Momoi, I had to sit next to Aomine, since she had to sit next to Harasawa.

I asked sheepishly, "Uh, can you scoot to the left a little, Aomine-kun? I barely have any room to sit."

He just stared at me with his cold eyes.

"I'm tired and I don't want to move."

"I'll take that as a no, then..." I mumbled, forcing myself to sit on the edge and having to endure it for the whole ride.


My eyes started to get heavy. Only halfway to Kaijō High, I was getting sleepy. Luckily, Aomine finally felt bad enough to scoot over so I could actually move my feet from the aisle to the front of myself.

I yawned and leaned against the back of the seat.

I'll just close my eyes for a second...


Aomine flinched. He noticed that the girl had placed her head on his shoulder, snoring.

Though he shook her, Rima was in a deep sleep and didn't wake up.

"Why did I have to sit with this idiot?" Aomine muttered, looking out the window.

Momoi stared at the two, grinning devilishly.

"You guys look so cute together!"

Aomine glanced at her and groaned.

"Shut up," He snapped, rolling his eyes.

"Someone's in loveeee~!" She teased, chuckling.


"Wait, so you're not denying it!"

Facepalming, Aomine hissed, "No, it just means I don't care about what nonsense is coming out of your mouth."

Rima slowly opened her eyes, waking up from all the noise.

"What are you two arguing about now?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

He turned his head at the window.

"It's nothing."

What Rima didn't know was that he was blushing so profusely. Aomine wondered why he was flustered and just assumed he was getting a fever.


A/N: That ship though!

( A o m i n e x R i m a )

─=≡Σ((( つ╹ω╹)つ♡

Anyways, make sure to vote and comment!

With love,

kawaii-kins ☜(◔◞౪◟◔)☞

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