451 17 7

c h a p t e r  5

Don't fear the future, fear the present as those are the choices which count

❝Don't fear the future, fear the present as those are the choices which count❞

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[ m a d e l i n e ]

She sat there clutching her arms in only a grey fleeced hoodie and black jeans that were drenched with water, "Hey.." She trails off, "I know it's been... quite a bit since you saw me."

Beside her were two small suitcases, my voice fills with concern as I let her under my umberella "Does aunt Sherrel and uncle Philip know your here?"

"Well, no- ya see..." She sheepily replies. I quickly open the door with the keys stored in my pocket, then turning my umbrella into a floppy wet mess. "Ya see what?"

I follow her inside, holding one of her suitcases, "Mom and dad are gone." Ava said in a gloomy manner.

"They're dead?!" I exclaim, "How haven't we been informed?"

Ava looks at me funny, squeezing the eccess water from her red  hair that was styled in a low ponytail. One by one the drops of watter drip onto the wooden floors. She shakes her head, staring at the droplets which fell from her hair. "Said they're going to be on vacation for the next... month-ish."

"They phoned your parents yesterday... I mean you could say they said yes." She stood up, walking towards the bathroom, "Towels still in the bottom drawer right?"

I simply nod, "Ava" She turns around in response, raising to her brows, "Are you going to my school for this month-ish."

"Probably," she shrugs. "Maybe I'll meet new people. I feel decently better about myself and approaching others."


"Ava's staying with for the next few months," Mom clarifies to Mikayla and I as we tidy up the plates from dinner.

I look back at her, astonished "That's a long time."

Mom sighs, "Your aunt and uncle are having problems with custody of Ava and they didn't want her to get stressed over all of it so she'll be staying with us. You know how much she hates her biological mother." She whispers the last part.

Ava had been legally my cousin for over 5 years, she was adopted when she was 8 as her mother was unfit to take care of her for various reasons.

Over the years I've heard her bio mom had been trying to get her back under her care. Now Ava understands as it has been 7 almost  8 years since, she's scared to become like that sadistic woman.

"Does she know this is all happening?" Asked Mikayla.

I roll my eyes, "Well she's obviously suppost to know. Who wouldn't ask questions when you're living at a relatives house for at least a months."

"Girls, just be-" The sound of a phone begins to ring. Mom looks down into her blood ref handbag, taking out her phone and answering it "Hello?" She answers and walks away to the other end of the kitchen.

"You think she's ever gonna take a day off?" My eyes watch me mother as she talks into the phone in her classic black dress and heels with her blonde hair tied up into a bun.

"Nope," Mickayla simply replies and nudges my arm. "Come on let's go see Ava."

We walk away, only to hear mom scream in horror: "Why are they putting those up there!"

Ava's bedroom was next to mine and Mickayla's, "Come in." We hear through the door after knocking.

Upon walking in we see 15 year old Ava sitting on her bed, clutching her pillow. "I feel nervous," She states.

Mickayla and I give one another a knowing look, "About what?" We question. Only for Ava to give us a frustrated sigh, "Come on did you really think they're away on vacation? I know I'm young and all but I'm only like 2 to 3 years younger than you two."

There was a growing pause until Ava answers in a much calmer voice. "You know what I'm talking about. What if she gets custody of me?"

Usually Ava was a fierce young girl, even her firey red hair and striking green eyes already gave her that 'fuck off' look. Though at the end of the day she's still a young person worried for the future and seeing her this nervous makes me nervous.

What if she is taken away.....

"Don't worry," Mickayla assures her with a grin. "No matter what you'll always be our cousin and if that woman takes you away we'll go to the ends of the earth to get you back."

Mickayla and I sit beside of her, "You're our cousin no matter. Whether its legally or biologically-"

"Or neither!" I chime in with a smile.

We then share a sentimental few seconds of hugging before Ava bursts into laughter, "You say the ends of the earth. You know the earth isn't actually flat?"


"Hey," Mickayla puts a hand on my shoulder in the hallway once leaving Ava's room. "I'm sorry for what happened last night and this morning." Mickayla looks down to the wooden floors in embarrassment, "I acted like a real bitch to you."

"Hell yeah you did," I chuckled. "It's fine." I said whole heartedly.

"I know how it is with being popular and all. Just be a tad bit nicer." I smile to her.

"Also you gotta eat more," I tell her with a serious tone. "That diet you're on doesn't seem healthy and you didn't even eat half of what was on your plate at dinner."

In response to my words, Mickayla awkwardly laughs. "I'm fine don't worry I will and it is a healthy diet, the dietitian I went to said it was."

She turns and walks in the opposite direction to me, back to her bedroom. "Goodnight she smiles," her blonde hair in her pale freckles face.

My sister opens her door and  gently shuts it. "Night," I  answer just above a whisper.

SORRY for a very long wait.
I decided to scrap certain ideas for Ava's character.
Also didn't help I had writers block after this.

Hope you enjoyed it


- a n g e l u

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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