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c h a p t e r  4

rain is just the tears seeping from depressed clouds

❝rain is just the tears seeping from depressed clouds❞

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[ m a d e l i n e ]

It all happened in slow motion; the spoon soaring through the air, colliding with a multi-milliondollar skull.

"What the fuck?" I hear him mutter. The whole school silently stare at Kingsley rubbing the impacted area, "I'm fine."

A few minutes pass and the anxiety grows in my stomach. Orlando--Kingsley's best friend comments: "Uh dude. You better get that checked out."

My head lifts from the wooden table I had rested my head on to think about my utter clumsiness. Meeting the sight of an abnormally growing bump!


It just had to be either a concussion or a bump growing into some weird mini Kingsley babyI !

"No it's okay, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." Kingsley replies with a small smile.

What happens if he ends up feeling dizzy on the top of a flight of stairs and falls down them!?

Or if that spoon made his brain internally bleed!

I could see it now:

'Boy dies of spoon, used as a harpoon...

Parents sueing.'

"Em... are you okay?" Laura eyes my hands, I follow the line of vision to see my fist had squeezed by burger to death.

'Girl gone broke... Nevermind she was already broke in the first place.'

"I'm good!" I forced a smile before hesitating to eat whatever was left of my burger stressball.

Don't recommend.

"You gotta appologise." Spoke Laura, then she began to giggle.

I stare at her astounded by the psychotic girl in front of me. "Oh come on Maddie. You seriously just gave him a blow to the head with the most bluntest cutlery out of the three.  And considering you're as weak as a nine year old."  She presses her lips together to stop a grin from reaching her face. "You can't expect me to not find it... amusing."


For the next 15 minutes I wait until Kingsley and Orlando had finished their lunches before setting off to the Nurse's office.

At least I hoped.

I hurriedly bid my goodbyes to Laura and stealthily sneak out of the giant hall without the glances of on-lookers.

My eyes catch the sight of 2 shadows turning the corner, to which I followed. The corridor was empty as they stood in the middle of it.

"Dude you sure you're okay to go by yourself? I mean what are you? A person or a pinball?."

"Well you're another word for penis." Kingsley bites back, massaging the temple of his head.

"Hmmm, well there is..."

I stared at the ground in horror, meanwhile Orlando was gracing my ears with complete hell.

"Um, thing, where the sunshine don't shine. Trunk, baby maker... Oh! Your beefy bits!"

"Okay! Okay! I get it; there's more than enough words to not say dick." Kingsley puts his hands up in defeat, "Now could you just go do your business."

"Well I can't help it I need a shit." Huffed Orlando like a little kid. "It's mother nature, you can't stop it."

"Well your birth couldn't be stopped, no matter what-"

"Aha! See that's the thing, I was planned! Ya know most oldest child in the family aren't planned." Orlando sang. "I gotta go stink up the bathroom! See you."

I covered my mouth to prevent me from bursting out in giggles, sadly for me it didn't work. "Who's there?" The green eyed boy suddenly asks.

There was a pause, following a sigh.

"I can see your hair."

While muttering a series of curses I turn to face him. "Hello." Trying to be optimistic.

Who knows, maybe he might be as nice as people say.

"What the hell are you doing following me?" He spat.

Or not.

"Well," I say with a shakey breath, "I just want to appologise?"

"About what?" He crossed his arms, waiting for my reply. I thought he was the good kid of this school!?

"Well, um I was the one who through the spoon-it was an accident I swear!" I state, "It just... Slipped out my hand."

"Yeah and into the back of me head!" He exlaimed.

"The arts of spoon throwing is very sacred you know." I defend, still trying not to lose my mind over what had just happened.

"I don't give a shit," Kingsley replies with his jaw clenched, spitting the words out like it was poison.

My hazel eye's bore into his green ones, looks like I'm not going to lose my mind...

I'm going to lose my head!


The rest of the day I managed to avoid Kingsley. After his 'I don't give a shit' moment I slowly backed away and kept my head down the rest of lunch.

Kid looked like he was going to kill me!

I wasn't me anymore, after that encoubter a few hours prior I officially changed my name to Macy.

"Madeline!" Laura screams across the parking lot after school, "Maddie, Madeline!"

Though some people didn't get the memo.

"What?" I question, approaching her and her new little red car. The make wasn't one I recognised, but then again if you needed to find a certain type of car I'd just smile awkwardly at you.

Her car was named Ford, she had told me a few days prior that she named it after some character in a book. "Why did you name your car Ford?" I look at the shiny ruby car.

Laura simply giggled,"Because it's Affordable and Ford's the guy who gets with Coral in..." I dozed of a bit, my eyes unfocused and I was blankly staring into space.

Before an air horn goes off.

"Now back to the subject matter."

"Woah Woah Woah, you can't 'go back to the subject matter' when you own a flipping air horn!" I freaked out, "Why do you even carry one around?"

"In case some creep messes with me, I can just deafen them," Laura puts the air horn in her bag and takes out something else. "I can blind them, I also have pepper sprey... I can't send you home today because my cousin is coming here for a month or two." I frowned, Mikayla and her friends have already left-- I assume to go shopping.

Well I'll just take the bus.


The bus was basically deserted, it was just me and another girl from my school. Plus the bus driver and an old man who kept on coughing.

Rain had falls against the window I sat near the door while listening to some music through my earphones. As I feel the bus come to a halt to my stop I recognise a person sitting on the curb.

Quickly I take out my umberella that was packed in my bag, it was like any generic one-- black.

When I hop off the bus I instantly regret not watching where I stand since the water of the puddle seeped through my shoes.


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