Chapter 3

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Wow! It seems Brianna is getting more beautiful. I can't believe I did that to her. I was drunk and stupid. But being the pride filled idiot that I am I would never apologize. I've been trying to make her jealous by getting with her best friend Kaylee, but that doesn't seem to work. It only hurts her more. There are only traces of sadness and betrayal in her eyes but no jealousy.

I won't lie, Kaylee is absolutely stunning. But she is no Brianna. Brianna has this unique beauty to her that leaves you staring. That's why I fell inlove with her in the first place. Her personality is unique, she could be the sweetest thing ever and then one minute later she seems like the devil himself. Her fiestiness was cute. I loved it. She had this cute way of scrunching up her nose when she was annoyed, biting her lip when she was stressed and frowning a little when she was focusing, reading or trying to figure something out. She was a funny dancer when she was dancing randomly to music she was listening to. And her voice...Don't even get me started on her voice. It is truly amazing and I felt like a blessed man whenever she sang for me. But I let all that go when I cheated on her.

I want her back so mu-

"Ryan!" I heard a voice shouting my name interrupting me from my reminiscing on the past.

I look up to see Kaylee looking at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"I've been trying to get your attention for like, the past five minutes but you just sat down there with this small satisfied smile on your face like you were remembering something wonderful that happened," she said all in one breath.

Sometimes I wonder if that girl ever slows down.
"I was just thinking about how beautiful and lovely you are," I whispered in her ear as I pulled her down to sit on my lap.

I could see her neck turning red which means I was affecting her already. This further boosted my ego. The effect I had on girls. They were so easy to fool. Except for Brianna of course. She was one tough nut to crack. But that's one of my many reasons why I liked her.

"Really," she squeaked.

"Mhm," I mumbled as I pepper small kisses all over her face.

If I wasn't so hooked on Brianna maybe I could love Kaylee some day. But for now she is just a pawn in my plan.


He makes me feel so special, I love Ryan. It's only been a few days but I know I love him. Ridiculous? No, I personally don't think love has a time period for it to happen. My body heated up as he kissed me all over my face and rubbed circles in the small of my back. I felt so at ease and comfortable with him. I looked at him and smiled. He returned the smile but it didn't reach his eyes, they held a look of regret. He also seemed on edge today, like had something on his mind. I made it my duty to find out what it was.

The bell rang breaking me away from my thoughts. I had to catch the bus home, so I quickly gathered my things and kissed Ryan goodbye. As I hurried through the halls I had to dodge all the kids trying to make it through the front door. And let me tell you it was a struggle. When I finally broke through those doors, the first thing I saw was Ashton and Brianna sitting down under the big oak tree in the school yard. She had her head resting on his shoulder and he was rubbing her arm in a soothing manner. She looked like she had been crying. Her face was blotchy and I could barely make out the fading tear marks on her face.

I sighed and made my way to the bus. My emotions have been on a roller coaster lately. One minute I'm all happy and bubbly and then the next I'm all sad and down in the dumps. Being with Ryan contributes to my happiness but when I see Brianna it kills my mood. The guilt eats me alive every time I see her. I just wish everything would go back to normal.

When I got on the bus I plugged my head phones in and after a few minutes I fell asleep. I would of missed my stop if it wasn't for some kid who woke me up. he lived lower down my street. I thanked him and got off the bus, entered my house and went straight to my room.

As soon as I hit my bed I instantly fell asleep and had the weirdest dream ever.......

Brianna and Ashton were running around like little kids while Ryan and I were laying on the ground looking at the sky. Everything seemed fine...normal even. Brianna, Ashton, Ryan and I were all friends. But that wouldn't last for long. Suddenly a great and strong wind began to blow shaking the trees and dragging everything along with it. We all tried to run for cover, but then a tree fell trapping both Brianna and I under it. Ryan stopped and turned around to look back at us as if debating who he should help. I was mentally shouting save me!! Ashton would get Brianna, but when I looked around there was no Ashton. Finally Ryan started walking towards the tree, but what he did next surprised me. He lifted Brianna from the ground and she slapped him. He stood there shocked for a while. Then my dream began to fade taking me to a next scene. I was standing alone in complete darkness with only a sole chair across from me. I walked towards the chair and as I approached it a figure became visible sitting in the chair. He was almost invisible...see through. As I got closer to him it began to get colder. In exactly two seconds he got up stood next to me and began choking me.

I sat immediately in my bed, sweat dripping down my body. It was hard to understand what my dream was about. It didn't make sense at all. All I knew was I had to make things right with Brianna or else I'd never stop feeling guilty.


So I finished another chapter. This story isn't exactly planned so bare with me. I'm having writers block...and school has me busy. those of you who have already picked up on Ashton's secret..keep it a secret. I don't care how obvious it is..

Picture of Ryan Available :)

Thanks for reading


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