Chapter 2

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Emma awoke to the sun shining onto the window and right into her face.She groaned not wanting to wake up in a world where Paul doesn't even know who she is.She sat up looking at a small alarm clock on the bedside table.eight fifty-six Am.It was early and Emma expected Paul to be at work.She looked around knowing if she got up there wouldn't be someone to save her,when she fell.She sighed "I'm bored.." she muttered to herself."Well if your bored you could have just called!" A voice muffled outside the door.The door creaked open and Paul smiled at her.Emma furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him."I thought you had work?..." she said quietly.Paul shrugged "I took a week off because one I really need a break and two if I go to work you'd probably do something stupid and I can't have your death on my conscience"He chuckled.Emma only nodded because she didn't know how to respond to that."So you said you were bored maybe if you change your clothes first then I can help you down the stairs and we can watch a film or something?".Emma nodded"Okay..sure...but I don't have any clothes except these..."she pointed to the ones she had on her.Paul exited the room and left Emma there very confused.A few minutes and Paul came back in With a T-shirt and shorts."There the smallest I own they might be baggy on you but it's better then nothing"Paul smiled and handed her the clothes."Thanks..Paul..." He nodded and left the room so she could get changed.Emma Got changed after ten minutes because she found it hard to put on the shorts considering her arms hurt just as bad as all of her body."Okay dressed!" Emma shouted and Paul walked back in."Okay let's go downstairs then" Paul walked over and scooped Emma into his arms."Ah...What are you doing?!" Emma panicked.Ever since Emma has gotten "Hit by the bike" she feels as though she can't trust anyone and after her weird "nightmare" she wasn't the same."I'm bringing you downstairs?" Paul answered."Well I thought you'd just physically help me to walk down the stairs!" Emma shouted."Okay okay..I should have told you first, but again you can't walk and I'm not risking it" he said and then he opened the door and walked down the stairs with Emma in his hands.He walked over towards the couch and placed Emma down."You want anything to eat? I don't know when you last ate, so want anything?"Paul said politely.Emma stomach replied first with a gurgle before she could even answer for herself." sounds you have anything ...uh...Gluten free..." she went red but she didn't know why."Yea I have a few things actually..your a celiac? Or just one of those people with a very very weird diet?"Paul said chuckling."Well I'll let you decide that one Paul" she chuckled lightly hoping the blush would fade away.Ten minutes after Paul cane back over to her holding a bowl of pasta."Its gluten free pasta, thought since you were out for awhile it might fill you up" he smiled and handed it to her.She took it and held it steadily(or at least trying to).She picked up the fork and began to eat a little while Paul was plugging in the DVD player."Wow who owns a DVD player anymore?" Emma chuckled.Paul rolled his eyes."I do,It's also handy, also what do you want to watch?".Emma thought for a second before saying"The lion king".Of course the  lion king was one of Emma's favourite Disney films.It was the first movie she went to see in a cinema with her sister.It held a special place in Emma's heart.Emma felt bad whenever she thought of her sister. Especially her niece and nephew.She sighed and tried to find a comfortable place to stay in.Paul turned the lions kind on and sat down next to Emma."This isn't so bad after all I guess..." Emma thought before she got lost in the story of the lions king.

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