New beginings

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-he was laying in bed still asleep, snoring as his alarm clock went off, blaring-
-he woke up in a panic-
"WHA-WHAT TIME IS IT!?" he said as he read the clock. "Oh it's just eight..let's head back to-WAIT EIGHT!?" He quickly put on clothes and ran downstairs and almost headed out the door, just before his mother stopped him. "Where are you headed at this hour young man!" She said as she walked to him. "Can't talk I'm gonna be late!" "It's five in the morning liam! Are you out of your mind!" "Wait.." he then quickly checked the time on his phone "oh it is five..sorry Mum." He looked down in shame as she just patted his head. " just..use your brain next time kiddo." "Alright Mum, thanks" "don't mention it" she said as she walked back in bed. [well today was eventful..I'm just glad she stopped me before I went out] he thought as he went back into his room. He got on his Nintendo Switch as he waited for Six o'clock. Once the time rolled around he ran to the school and waited for everyone else. [Im so excited!] he thought. [I can't wait to get my very own Pokémon!]
-as people rolled into the school liam walked into his classroom, where he found his seat next to a new girl-
"Hey who are you?" he whispered "my names Morgan, and you?" "Liam." "Nice name" she whispered As the teacher caught us talking. "Alright class, we will be doing something special today. As you know we are going to get your partners. Your first pokemon!" As he said that Liam squealed in excitement. [This is so exciting!!!] he thought as the teacher stood up. He walked to the front of the class and cleared his throat. "We are going to the front yard today to chose your starter Pokémon, please keep your choice in mind. This is a very important decision so choose wisely."
-whenever he finished we grabbed our bags and headed to the front yard, it was like a Pokémon arena, there was seven carts with Pokémon on them-
"We gave starters from all the other regions, hopefully this doesn't effect your choices to much." They let the Pokémon out to wander. Morgan then ran right over to the Fennekin. "EEEK I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!" She held it close to her chest as it nuzzles her back. Liam chuckled at the sight and sighed, not making up his mind about what he wanted. He walked around, and set his mind on a few Pokémon he would like. "Hmm I narrowed my options down to a few of them..Mudkip is a good choice but-" "excuse me I'll be taking him." a strange voice behind me said, whenever I turned around I saw a man with a blue hoodie holding a mudkip. "You will not be taking my mudkip." "Alright sorry."Liam said. "it's fine" said the man, "The names Dan" "nice to meet ya Dan" "alright goodbye now" he said as he ran off, Liam still a little confused by the situation. He walks over to a lone Cyndaquil. "Hey there buddy, What's wrong?" "Cynda..cyndaquil." "Hmm.." he picked up the Pokémon and thought for a minute. "Alright, would ya like to be my partner?" "QUIL QUIL" it said excitedly. "How about we name you cinder?" "Cyndaquil!" "I'll take that as a yes." It then nodded. This will be the beginning of a wonderful friendship and adventure.
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to this story, it's my first official story so I hope it's not too bad. I hope you all have a wonderful day, smile always.

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