New Addition

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Liam slowly opened up the blanket trap the squirming Pokémon was inside. As he uncovered it he soon saw a small bug like Pokémon. It hopped back and started to shake. Liam moved back and gave it some space.
"Alright let's see what you are.."
he pulled out his Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon.
"So your a Scatterbug huh? Alright, come here. I won't hurt you."
Liam held out his hand as the bug slowly moved forward, scared of what may happen. It touched its head to his hand and he smiled.
" seem scared. Are you hurt?"
The scatterbug shook its head yes and revealed a bruise.
"Yeah my brothers are nice...buuuut they are pretty rough. Here I'll heal you."
Liam got a potion out of his bag and sprayed the bug, healing it. It jumped around happy, not seeming to be hurt anymore.
"Hmm..want to be a part of my team?"
Liam brought out a Pokéball and it moved back in fear. It then soon ran into the bushes and forest. Liam sighed with disappointment and returned Cinder.
"Alright bud..let's get to bed."
Liam walked back inside and went to his room. His mother stood outside the door.
"Sooo did you catch it?"
She looked at him as he looked back at her, he sadly shakes his head no.
"Aw honey it's alright. You'll catch a new one eventually. It just takes time." She hugged him and he hugged back. She kisses his forehead.
"I love you dear."
"I love you too mom.."
He then walked into his room He threw off his clothes and changed into some pajamas. He set his bag on his desk and took out an empty ball.
"Maybe next time.."
As he lays in bed there was a tap at the window. Liam got up to look outside and saw a little scatterbug in the windowsill. Liam opened the window to let it inside.
"Scatter..bug bug.."
"What are you doing here? You should be with your friends and family."
It looks to the pokeball and back to him.
"Do you..want to be caught?"
It nods and Liam smiles brightly. He grabs the call and sets it next to the window. The scatterbug excitedly touches it and goes in. It rolls once. Twice. And caught! Liam jumped up and down excitedly and smiles bright.
"I can't believe it! I caught a new Pokémon!!"
"Liam quiet down! You'll wake your brothers!"
"Sorry mom!"
Liam closed the window and grabbed the Ball, holding it against his chest.
"I can't believe I did really is an amazing day.."
Liam put the Ball in his bag and laid down, staring at the ceiling. He soon drifted into a deep sleep.
~Enters dream~
He woke up in a cloudy void, nothing around him but pink tinted clouds.
"What..where am I?"
He gets a chill down his spine as he feels like..something is watching him
"What's going on..?"
He stands up and walks around, seeing a silhouette of rings in the clouds.
"H-hello..who are you..?"
"Greetings young one. I am Cresselia."
"Y-you mean..the legendary Pokémon Cresselia!?"
"So that is what you humans call it. Hmm alright, I guess that is true."
She reveals herself from the clouds, floating down from above. She flew next to him, and floated around him, studying him.
"S-so why are y-you here?"
He felt nervous, knowing the power of legendary Pokémon.
"You do not need to be afraid young one, and you are here because I was curious. You did not harm that Pokémon, instead worried about it's own self being. You are a kind gentle soul, I sense greatness in you. I wanted to see for myself, and I do believe I'm correct in my assumptions."
"Th-thank you miss Cresselia. Maybe..can you-"
He was cut off by her
"Before you ask, no I'm not being held back by those prisons. I'm sorry young one. But you may take this."
Down floated a feather, it was shining and shimmering.
"This will be the end to this encounter. Goodbye young child."
She touched her forehead to his and he awoke
~end dream~
"Ah! Wh-what?"
He looked around his room, he looked on his lap. On top there was Cresselia's feather shimmering in the moonlight leaking from the open window. He got up and just before he opened the window, he looked outside and saw a Pokémon flying through the sky. It has a silhouette of a crescent moon. Liam smiled and closed the window. Laying back down holding the feather close.
"Goodnight Cresselia.."

So how was that chapter. I had the assistance of my friend and a viewer that helped by giving some advice. This chapter was a lot, but hopefully you all enjoyed. Smile always and I'll see all the next chapter. To be continued!

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