Pokè-center time!

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-after the tournament our hero's walked to the nurses office/Pokemon center, where there healed up Pokémon are surely waiting-
They sat down and threw away the empty bags and wrappers from their snacks. "Soooo you fought well." Liam said with a sigh. "Yeah, is there something wrong?" "Nope nothings wrong!" "I can tell a lie, now what's wrong?" Morgan asked facing towards him. "It's just..I lost so fast my last battle. You at least tied with a bad typing...I don't have an excuse." "Hey don't think like that, he probably was training during lunch, it's alright. We all lose Eventually..it's what we learn from the loss that matters!" "Yeah your right. Thanks Morgan!" "Don't mention it." She said with a confident smile. He got up and stretched, yawning slightly. "Let's look around." "Sure!" She walked around and saw a map. "Hey look, it's Kalos!" "Yeah, it's kinda big. Oh and we're near Luminous City, Kalos's main city. It's actually the largest city in the world!" Morgan is looking at him with amazement. "We HAVE to go see the city!" "Yeah sure we can visit." "EEEEE YAY!!" She yelled in excitement as we heard something. "Miss Leah, your Pokémon are ready." The nurse came out with her Pokémon as Leah walked up to her. "Hey!" Morgan walked over to her and Leah sighed. "What do you want." She groaned. "I wanted to congratulate you." "On? It was a tie, not a victory." "Still you fought well, your Squirtle was pretty strong." "Yeah whatever." She put the pokeball in her bag and walked away, before leaving she turned around and said "you weren't so bad yourself. Seya later." She then walked away. Morgan walked back to Liam with a smile on her face. "I think I made a new friend!" She said excitedly. "Really!? That's awesome!" "Yeah!" There then was an announcement. "Morgan and Liam please report to the front desk, your Pokémon are all healed up." "Let's get going then." Liam said walking up, Morgan following behind. There waiting was a happy Cinder an Blair, sitting patiently. As soon as Blair saw Morgan she ran up to her quickly and jumped in her arms. "Hey there, you happy to see me?" She then yipped excitedly and nuzzles her. "I'm glad to see you too." Liam walked over and hugged Cinder. "Your looking much better than before!" "Cyn! Cyn!" "Hehe I know your excited, let's get something to eat hmm?" "Cynda!" "I'll take that as a yes." He puts Cinder in his hood, rested on his bag. Cinder then yawns and rests in the hood bed that was made. "Hey are you headed off then?" Morgan asked, grabbing her bag. "Yeah, it's getting late and supper is probably on the table." "Alright well see you tomorrow then!" "Seya tomorrow Morgan!" As he said that he walked out and back home, Pokémon at his side.

Hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter. I tried to stay with the around 600 word theme, but it just didn't make the cut. Anyway so I hope you enjoyed this chapter. To be continued.

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