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don't cry
1:05 ───|────── 2:53
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺

"please stop crying "

yoongi continued to sob softly as taehyung sat there staring at him. until he reached his hand out, wanted to pull the smaller into his chest for a hug, but yoongi flinched away and sobbed harder, if possible.

"hey, please stop crying. look i'm sorry i yelled at you." taehyung tried to speak to yoongi but yoongi's sobs were too loud.

"i-" taehyung felt like he was making a huge mistake but he did it anyway. "i'm taehyung. what's your name? just please stop crying."

"i'm-m yoongi." yoongi's sniffled and wiped his eyes.

"okay, yoongi i'm gonna leave now. i think trying to rob you was a mis-" taehyung stood up and began to walk towards his door but suddenly a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist.

"what-what are you doing?" taehyung stared down at the boy who had his face buried in taehyung's chest.

"i-i don't know. i'm just lonely. i know you're a criminal and all but...i-i don't know how to explain it. you're the first person to ever enter my apartment. and...it kinda felt nice to have someone else in here."

"yoongi, i can't stay. i don't even know you. and you don't know me, now let go." yoongi shook his head and buried himself more into his chest and tightened his grip around his waist.

"please stay"

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