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final chapter
1:05  ───|────── 2:53
|◁              II             ▷|
                          ∞            ↺

" just a lonely criminal"
taehyung waited on the floor surrounded by yoongi's blood when the police and ambulance arrived. they quickly gathered around yoongi and tried to stop the bleeding but it wasn't helping that much.

they then carefully put him on a gurney and wheeled him out and into the ambulance. taehyung jumped in the back of the ambulance, the officer kept trying to ask taehyung questions but he was focused on yoongi the whole time.

once at the hospital, nurses rushed over and took yoongi into emergency surgery.

"sir, please wait in the waiting room. we will let you know if anything happens. please rest yourself, he will make it. i promise you, young man" the nurse smiled sadley and guided taehyung to a chair in the waiting room.

she handed him a pack of tissues and then left the boy with his thoughts.

20 hours later and the surgeon came down the hallway, he made his way toward taehyung, who stood up immediately.

"he did it" the surgeon smiled. taehyung sobbed witv happiness and hugged the surgeon, who returned the hug back.

"thank you" taehyung kept repeating.

"no problem. just doing my job. follow me and i'll take you to mr.min." taehyung walked down the long hallway and went thorough two double doors before they finally walked into yoongi's room.

yoongi laid in bed, his eyes close and a blanket covered his small and fragile body.

"yoongi" taehyung whispered at the sight of the boy. he rushed over and grabbed the smallers hand into his.

"i'm so sorry. this is all my fault. i should have left you alone, but you made me stay. with your cute face and adorable gummy smile and your kitten like features. i don't deserve a boy like you, i don't deserve anyone like you. i'm just a lonely criminal who doesn't deserve love. i like you so much and i don't want to lose you" he cried as he ran a hand through yoongi's hair.

"n-no. d-don't say t-that." yoongi whispered with a dry and soft voice.

"yoongi!" taehyung grinned. yoongi smiled back and tighten his hand that taehyung was holding.

"hey...tae?" yoongi whispered after the two boys sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"yes?" taehyung asked as he yoongi at yoongi with a soft smile.

"i-i l-like you too" the two smiled at each other. taehyung leaned down and pressed a kiss on too yoongi's forehead.

"and one day, maybe you'll love me," they held on to each other's hands, the silence was comfortable and the two were happy.

"i'll definitely fall in love with you." yoongi giggled and taehyung chuckled.

the two were so happy to be with each other, to hold each other's hand and to smile at each other. the sight of the other made them happy, so so happy that they didn't see the man glaring at them through the glass window of the hospital.

if taehyung hadn't broke into yoongi's home, yoongi would still be in his house crying over how lonely he is, taehyung wouldn't have finally find someone to make him happy, and  seokjin would try to threaten yoongi's life again because he failed the first time.

nobody knew that a small crime would turn into something so much bigger.


thank you to everyone who has read this story

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thank you to everyone who has read this story. i'm sorry to leave it on a sad note :(
please check out my other stories if you're interested in taegi or namgi!!
anyways thank you for reading this trash sksks and look forward for more taegi stories soon!!

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