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a/n; lol i forgot to mention that this book only has 10 chapters & it's not a happy ending so..if you thought this was gonna be a happy story you thought wrong :)

1:05  ───|────── 2:53
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" it's time to go"
it was 6am, the two boys had been talking for a few hours now. they ate snacks and watched a few episodes of yoongi's favorite tv shows.

"hey, yoongi, it's time for me to go, for real this time." yoongi whined and stuffed his head into taehyung's chest.

"please...stay with me." taehyung could feel his shirt becoming wet, meaning that yoongi had started to cry.

"yoongi, i cannot stay with yo-" suddenly there was a knock on the door, yoongi wondered who it was since he didn't have any friends and his neighbors were gone for a vacation.

"i'll get it." yoongi stood up and walked over to the door, he opened it and became face to face with a tall man wearing a mask over his mouth and also a hat covering his eyes.

"hell-" the stranger interrupted yoongi with his deep and low voice.

"where is taehyung?" once hearing his name taehyung stood up and walked over to the open door way.

"seokjin, what are you doing here?"

"i could ask you the same thing, what are you doing here with this dirty boy? you know the rules about relationships." yoongi looked at the two men in front of him with wide eyes, realizing that this is the 'seokjin' whom helped taehyung.

"i-i was just about to leave now." taehyung said through his teeth.

"it didn't seem like it, did you fuck him? i told you to rob only and don't get caught but it seems like you can't fucking listen." seokjin raised his hand about to slap taehyung.

"seokjin, please lis"

"m-mr seokjin? i'm s-sorry i'm the one w-who m-made him stay-y pl-please don't punish him for m-my troubles-s" seokjin turned towards yoongi and gave him a sweet but creepy smile, and before taehyung could stop him, seokjin slapped yoongi across the face, leaving a giant red hand print on his cheek.

yoongi sobbed as his head turned from the smack. the pain felt like nothing he's ever felt before. his face stung like he got stung by a million bees all at once.

and before anyone could register what happened, taehyung leaped towards seokjin and threw a punch, making seokjin fall to the ground, blood now appearing from his mouth.

seokjin stood up and chuckled.

"this is how you treat the person who saved your worthless ass!" seokjin shouted. yoongi covered his ears and tried to run.

he didn't get far because seokjin grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him into his chest. he pulled out a shiny object from his back pocket and placed it in front of yoongi's neck

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