Chapter Six: Childhood

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A feeling of pleasure or contentment.


In the younger years of Anastasia Marie Smith's life, her life was filled to the brim with happiness. There was no anger, sadness, loneliness, disgust, or fear. There was nothing beside pure happiness, pure bliss.

Anastasia lived her younger years before the death of her parents like a princess. She was spoiled, but never self-centered. She was the sweetest person you could ever meet, she almost never did wrong. Anastasia lived her life helping people to be happy. She brought an instant joy that would just follow her around.

As a child, Anastasia was the youngest of all seven children, only but eight minutes, but Ana was the youngest either way. Her brothers were her protectors, they were her knights in shining armors. If Ana thought anything would go bad, her brothers were the first people she looked for.

James was the one who would help her study.

Michael was the one who always placed a smile on her face. 

Matthew was the one who would play tea party and princesses with her, more often than her other brothers.

Jackson was the one who would ride his bike with her.

Mason was the one who would drop everything to run to his sisters aid.

And Nathan, he was the one who would do all of that and so much more. He was her twin, his best friend, until the very end. They were two peas in a pod, and that would never change, or so they thought.


<Flashback - Late October, 1998>

A few days before Nathan and Ana came into the world, Courtney and Dylan, the parents, were going to be sitting down their other five sons to have a conversation. James was the oldest at twelve, Michael was ten, Matthew was eight, and both Jackson and Mason were three years old.

"Kids." Courtney spoke softly, running her hand across her large bump, "Your dad and I wanted to have a conversation with you about the new babies that are coming."

All five boys eyes were locked on their mother's loving face. Courtney was easily the best mother around. She was the poster perfect mother, always smiling, baking, helping her kids with their homework, spending time with them, coming on field trips, being the "soccer" mom. She lived to make her children smile, it was the best part of being a mother.

"Why do we gotta have more of us anyways, momma? Aren't we enough?" eight year old Matthew asked his mother, a pout present on his face.

Courtney only laughed lightly, "Momma and Daddy love having smiling babies that shower the world with joy, so we keep having more. You guys are more than enough, if we never had more babies, your dad and I would be okay with that. But until that moment comes, we'll keep having smiling babies who bring the world joy, okay Matt?"

"Okay, momma." Matthew shrugged, moving his attention onto his toy car that was sitting in his lap.

"Where's daddy?" Jackson asked, looking around the room for his father.

"He's coming back from McDonalds with dinner." Courtney smiled, brushing the bangs her son had out of his eyes.

"Chicken?" Jackson's eyes lit up at the mention of McDonalds.

"Yes, you'll get your chicken nuggets." Courtney smiled, "James?"

"Yes, mom?" he questioned, looking up from the homework that was in his lap.

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