Chapter Twenty-Seven: Kidnap

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Time Skip - Months Later, Tuesday, June 14th. 2016, 7 PM



Taken away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom.


As the months passed by, Anastasia's life continued to become more hectic and chaotic. Christmas came and went. Then, the New Year came by in a flash. Everyone celebrated the new year happily, 2016 would hopefully be the best year of their lives.

The month, January, passed along rather depressingly after the first week or so. After all, it was only a year prior that Alexandria, Miles, Javier, and Jake had all been murdered.

Though, there had been much progress in the year that had past the teenagers by, it seemed as if they were almost nowhere near closer to eliminating their newest threat: Casher Smith.

February, March, and April seemed to by pass the teenagers even quicker, and Anastasia found herself smiling lightly, it had been four emotional years since she had left her once hell-filled house, just as well as it would have been nearly four years since the Wolp's took her into their home. Just as well as it had been nearly twelve years since Michael's disappearance.

The month of May passed by with it being eleven years since Anastasia's parents had left this world in a painful tragedy.

And then as mid-June rolled around, Anastasia's third year of high school came to a close, and she was one step closer to graduating school and being able to start college.


Ever since the school year had come to a close, Anastasia had been working long, hard hours everyday. She'd been going to bed at twelve-thirty in the morning, and then waking up at five in the morning to be able to workout, shower, and do a few chores.

Then she'd begin to work from six-thirty in the morning until eight, where little Courtney and Dylan would wake up. She'd spend from eight to ten in the morning busy bathing them, changing them, feeding them, and then cleaning up the mess that they had most likely made.

From ten to eleven in the morning, Anastasia would spend her time work free, hanging out with her favorite miniature humans. Ana would take them for a potty break (as she had been able to potty train them over the past few months) and then she'd bring them to her office, where she had a section blocked off for only them to play in with their toys.

Around one o'clock in the afternoon, Courtney or Dylan would express their hunger to Momma-Ana, as they called her, and she would make them and herself lunch. By two o'clock she'd be back to working, with her kids either playing or napping depending on their moods.

Most nights Anastasia took a break from work to eat dinner at around six-thirty, and her biological brothers would tend to come over for dinner. By eight o'clock in the evening, all of Ana's brothers would be gone, she'd be back to work in her office (while watching Courtney and Dylan), Wyatt would be in his office hacking away, Max would be putting in order forms or running other gang related errands for Ana, Luke and Kayla would be putting together different lesson plans for gun safety, as well as trying to make different builds of guns in order to test their newly built proto-types, while Jamie and Layla would be putting together their lesson plans on hand-to-hand combat.


That Night - 11:33 PM

Anastasia, feeling absolutely exhausted had decided for the first time in quite a few days to go to bed early. Before going to sleep, she had decided to check in on her babies one last time before she went to bed.

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