Chapter Sixteen: Believe

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30 Minutes Later



A feeling sure of the truth.


Slowly coming to consciousness I realize that I'm laying on somebody's body, my head leaned against their chest. Barely opening my eyes, I look around the room. It's the principle's office.

Dane and his parents were sat on one side of the room, while who looked to be James, Matthew, Jackson, Mason, and Nathan were standing on my side of the room near me. Trying to figure out who I was laying on, I turned my body slightly, and seen the familiar face of Wyatt Daniels, the boy who's been by my side as my brother since the beginning.

"W-Wyatt?" my voice cracked as I spoke, gathering everybodies attention.

"Hey Ana." he smiled down at me gently.

"Good you're up, Miss Wolp, or should I say Miss Smith?" Principle Perkins spoke sarcastically.

"Hi Mr. Perkins." I smiled, as I moved to sit up in Wyatt's lap, "It's good to see you again, and it's Anastasia Wolp, I was legally adopted and changed my last name."

"You were legally adopted, then where are your parents?" he asked.

"They sadly passed away a few months ago, and I was able to get emancipated along with my adoptive cousins." I told him.

"Well, I apologize for informing your biological brothers. Mr. Matthew Smith told us to call James and get him down here as you are still a minor."

I forced a laugh out, "Well, I can assure you that's not the case. If you'd like I can get the paperwork that states I'm legally responsible of my own self and two other tiny humans?"

"No, that's quite alright. Would you like for me to remove your brothers from the room?" the principle asked.

I shook my head, "No, let them stay."

"Maybe then they'll find out the actual truth of what happened." Wyatt whispered in my ear.

"Okay, then." Principle Perkins clapped his hands, "Everybody sit down and we'll get this meeting started."

Everybody sat down, as I stayed on Wyatt's lap.

"I don't see why we're debating this." Dane's father spoke, "It's clear that this bitch attacked my son. Punish her."

I scoffed before speaking, "For the record, your son attacked me first. I defended myself."

"My son wouldn't hurt anybody." Dane's mother whispered quietly.

And suddenly Dane's father turned his glare onto her, "Shut up, you stupid whore."

"Let's stop the name calling, Mr. Marrow, or I'll have to ask you to leave." Perkins spoke loudly.

Dane's father rolled his eyes at the principle, "Let's just get on with this."

"Very well. I don't know what happened this morning, but we do have security camera's with vocal audio, so we'll play that, and go from there. Depending on the circumstances, that will determine who gets in trouble."

"Uh-do we really have to play that?" Dane asked, his body tensing up.

"Yes, we do." Principle Perkins spoke, glancing at Dane's face, before his attention went back to the computer.


Watching the video, watching me beat Dane into the ground, gave me a sense of pride. I looked around at everybody's faces, and the expressions I seen were enough to keep a small smile planted on my face.

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