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Alex Pov

After a couples of hours talking and knowing each other we have finally arrived at beacon, I enjoyed talking to winter and it feels like we know each for a long time

Once the bullhead landed we first headed to the headmaster office to inform that we have arrived safe and sound, even though that I want some action

Once the bullhead landed we first headed to the headmaster office to inform that we have arrived safe and sound, even though that I want some action

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Winter: Alex, you go on ahead I'm just gonna go and find my sister

Alex: alright winter and it was nice meeting you again *smile*

Winter: *blush* y-yeah it's good t-to see you again too

Winter leave and now me and Elsa continue on our way to Prof. Ozpin office

Elsa: so Alex, how long you been here at beacon?

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Elsa: so Alex, how long you been here at beacon?

Alex: honestly, I don't know I kinda forgot because it seems that I have amnesia, so I don't know

Elsa: oh, how did that happen if you don't mind me asking?

Alex: well, all I know is that I been gone for year and that's it

Elsa: what will you do if somehow your memories return?

Alex: don't know yet, but I'll figure it out.

We finally have arrived at Ozpin office, I knock first and then entered

We finally have arrived at Ozpin office, I knock first and then entered

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