Chapter 2

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Eleanor POV

A week later and I still noticed Harry staring at Louis; I was starting to get really confused so I decided to confront Harry and demand to know what his problem was. I strolled over to where he was watching a badminton tournament cheering on his favorite team, “Harry,”, I started, trying to pry his attention away from the telly, “ I need to talk to you privat-“

“YEAHH!!!!!!” He shouted cutting me off loudly.

“-ly, Harry!” I stated again, finally getting his attention.

“What do you want”, he sneered suddenly, causing me to jump back in surprise from his tone.

“Umm well I just wanted to talk to you,” I stammered, “but if you are busy right now I can talk to you later.”

 He turned his head and sighed, “No just continue on telling me what’s so important that I have to miss the game.”

“Well I’ve noticed you have been staring at Louis for awh-“I began only to be cut off again.

“Not you too!!!” he cried, “Liam was asking me about that earlier as well!”

I almost shouted at him for cutting me off but when I heard his reply I softened up and realized why he was so angry, “I’m so sorry I didn’t realize that you were already asked about that, I just wanted to see what was up and if I could help with it” I spoke quietly.

“You can’t help with anything”, He snapped and walked out leaving me standing in the middle of the room.

Harry POV

Of course she decided to mention Louis to me, it’s getting harder each day, and what am I going to do? I thought whilst laying on my bed, maybe I should tell Louis, he would want to know. I slowly raised my head and slid off of my comfy bed and sauntered to the lounge room, “Eleanor?” I called out searching for her.

“Harry, is that you?” a depressed voice mumbled from on the couch.

A/N Oooo Cliff hanger!! Sorry guys I thought it was a good place to end!Thank you again for reading! Please vote and Share it <3 Jess :D

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