Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Louis POV

As I lay on the couch quietly weeping, I heard a person enter the room, “Eleanor?” the voice asked and I instantly knew it was Harry, “Harry?” I murmured.

“Louis is that you?” He asked, “What’s wrong, why are you crying?”

I started to cry harder but still managed to tell him what happened, “Eleanor said that we should take a break from each other until you and I figure things out” I explained.

“I’m so sorry Louis!” He responded.

“I just lost the love of my life and it’s YOUR fault!” I screamed at him.

He just stared at me and plunked down on the couch next to me “Louis,” He started, “the reason why I have been staring at you is just that, I think I may have been having feelings for you and they aren’t just brother-like”

And the tears stream down my face

“Harry are you kidding me!” I almost shouted, “Have you been drinking again!”

“Louis calm down!” He cried “I haven’t been drinking, I’m telling the truth!!”

But I didn’t listen I stormed out of the room and grabbed my keys off of the counter, leaving my other hand in a fist. I stomped out to my car and got in, driving to the old rickety bridge by the creek where I grew up. I got out of my illegally parked sports car and sauntered to the edge of the bridge, I noticed a silhouette of a girl about my age so I slowly climbed over the edge and jumped down over the side onto the soft, squishy muddy slope and slopped over towards the silhouette. When I reached the girl she turned around showing the face I am so used to. “Eleanor,” I spoke softly as not to startle her.

Eleanor POV

I heard footsteps from behind be and I stood there thinking, why is someone else here, no one else knows about this place but me and Lou! Wait that means it must be… “Eleanor?” I heard someone ask and hearing that confirmed my beliefs.

“Louis, why are you here?” I questioned on the verge of tears.

“El, love please let me explain everything, I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“Lou, I just, I think I just need some time alone,” I started, “Louis, I love you so much but I think it’s best to stay apart until we figure out what’s going on because I don’t want either of us getting hurt.”

“But El,” He started, “Nothing will hurt us as long as we are together!”

“Lou, you don’t understand with Harry doing this to us we will fall hard and break each other!” I explained trying to make him understand.

“Eleanor! I know we can make it!” He cried making me turn away.

“No Lou we are not going to make it,” I told him flatly “At least not right now”

I spun around on my heel and stalked off in misery hearing him start to sob.

A/N Thanks guys for reading sorry it took soooooo long to update but ive been really sick and dealing with Sports work and School :P (Which im at school now) I hopefully will have a new part coming up soon ithing a week :D Sorry for the short chappie :P Please share with your friends and Vote :D Thanks!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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