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(Authors note)
In this book, normies are basically ninja with no skill. Normies have never seen ninja, and everybody in the ninja world has at least some special abilities from birth according to their bloodline. You're a normie. Enjoy the book :)

(Name) POV
Can't... fucking... sleep...!

I turn my head to check the time on my alarm clock.


Well, since I don't hate ve anything to do tomorrow, I guess it doesn't matter if I stay up for another little while...


A soft, scented breeze of the forest drifted into my room. I inhaled deeply, not wanting to let this scent leave my lungs. It's rare to have a nice June summer night like this where I live. I'm used to some pretty harsh winters, so summer to me is when Mother Nature is off her "flow."

I crawl out of my bed to the closet, and slip on a shirt and shorts. I chose a white tank top and silk lilac purple shorts... it's not like anybody was going to be seeing me.

I quietly and carefully walk outside, making sure not to wake my family. I close the slider door behind me, and embrace the 75° warm summer breeze.

Mother Nature, please stay like this forever...

I walk barefoot to the barn. It doesn't take long before I get there.

I turn on the lights, ears of all different animals perk up.

"Hey guys..." I whisper shout.

My pigs stand up and run to the spot closest to me. I begin to open all the pens and caged so we become unified as one.

The 2 calves and I rest our heads onto the belly of the father cow. My pigs gather at my feet. All the ducks, turkeys, and geese rest in my crossed legs, and my 2 horses lay down on each side.

I begin to hum. They all fall asleep whenever I hum or sing a calming tune. I quietly add words.

Lost in the darkness,

This tune is from my favorite childhood tv show... Adventure Time. This is in a scene where Finn the human boy experiences depression, and no matter what he does... he just can't gain any emotion.

Nowhere to go...

Getting older, I've recently started to feel different. I personally just blame it on hormones. But sometimes, I just feel nothing. I used to have emotion, but recently, I just feel...
almost dead.
That's right, It's like I'm dead.

Oh, so beautiful~

But it's just hormones.

A lock of my (hair color) hair was being pushed by the wind to my nose. Although it did itch, I ignored it. Comfortable with my animals, I didn't bother.


Damn breeze. At least the scent of the woods masked the manure. Good thing I left the door open for that.

Then it stopped.

Not only the wind, but the crickets...

the cicadas...

the frogs and toads...

the owls...


I couldn't even hear any breathing. It was so dead silent, I could hear my heart beat.

What... the fuck?

I nudge a duckling and it moves.

Thank god, so they're at least al-

"Hello," A voice greets from the corner. I begin to look around. I don't see anyb-

"Awe... is she getting scared?" another mocks from above me. I look again, not a single sou-

"If she's just a normie, why don't we just take her?" A third voice says behind me. I start to hyperventilate.

"You're right. Orochimaru wouldn't want us to waste any more time. Get her." Another commands.

I could feel my throat tightening.

"What? *cough* Wha-what's happening?" I breathe harder. Am I... gonna die?

"Haha, the thing can talk!"
"Let's get this over with before I feel bad"

I feel several hands begin to hold me in the air. Bodies, one by one, begin to appear. They were dressed in dark clothing, all with masks with 2 lines at the top.

"Who are you?" I attempt to free myself from them, but they're superiorly stronger.

"Haha, don't even bother stupid normie. We're thousands of times stronger than you'll ever be. We're from the hidden mist village. But you're going to Orochimaru in a secluded sound village. Since you're a normie, you are incredibly valuable to just about everybody. We'd be in deep trouble just for laying a scratch on you before the master sees you. Now, me must not waste any more time. Kari, you carry (Name). I'll put on the paralysis jutsu on her so she won't escape. We must hurry."

He begins to do hand patterns. Did I take drugs or something? There's no way this is happening. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see my family running from the same people next to me.

I try to scream, but nothing happens. I can't talk. I can't move. I can't stop anybody.

"Please," i hear my fathers voice begging, "we don't know who you are. Just leave us alone, I'll do anything!"


Blood. In the air.


Normie (Naruto ff, fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now