Getting Started:Part 2 Meeting The Big Family!

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" Here's where your staying" he said with the big, bright, and cute smile, Man... That smile gets me everytime, I smile back. "Thank you but, why? You don't know me... Why are you letting me stay?" I ask, apperently, I had a creeped out face (accendentaly.)

"Dont Worry, I got a wife and kids" said Link, with the smile, "oh cool" I say in a sad face. He noticed, "what's wrong?" He asked all of a sudden, "oh nothing, sorry." I say, holding back my tears. He leaves and let me borrow some clothes, "I'm lucky, I should be Grateful" a tear came down my face, that tear is the tear that never came down when I needed it.

I finished taking a shower and put on the clothes Link let me borrow. I sat there and I tried to remember who is that guy, then, my faverite episode of GMM came to my head. "Rhett and Link, OH MY GOSH, RHETT AND LINK?! How did I not notice?!" I squealed, wait I never have squealed before!! Thank god Link was outside or something because, i'm really sure that Link could of heard me. I won't tell him though, I don't want him to think that I might tell on everybody and say that he just picked me up and let me stay in his house. Then I heard a doorbell, it was the five kids, their wives and OMG it was Rhett!! I just stand there hiding in the shadow but, Rhett saw me "Come on down, Gotchi! Don't be shy!" Said link, I come down.

My heart is pumping really fast,"oh, My name is Gotchi, its a weird name but..." I got stuck holding back another tear. "But, what?" Said Loque, "oh, sorry I meant to say that my mom decided to call me like that" I say with half a smile.

"Okay" said Rhett in an akward voice, "Lets go to the table, so we can get to know you!" Rhett said it so excited. We all sat down in the table, Rhett, Link, and I sat down, of course, Rhett in the left and Link at the right.Christy and Jessie were sitting down in the living room watching Lando and Shepperd play around, Lily, I guess in her room doing some work and Loque and Lincoln just in their room, too. I got ready to answer questions actually, more like... Saying Lies.

"So... Where are you from?" Asked Rhett, "I lived in L.A my whole 14 years, wich is my whole life." I said, jokingly (and lying.) "What is your faverite sport?" asked Link "I LOVE SOCCER!" now, in that sport question I didn't lie. All of a sudden, I felt myself going pale, for no reason? I don't like lying but, "its part of life" I said in a whisper. "Uhh, are you okay?" Asked Link getting worried, "why did you say its part of life?" Asked Rhett. "Oh, L.A, always been a part of my life, sorry I was thinking way too much" I said. Boy, am I good with coming up with things or what?! (Sarcasm) they asked more questions and then we finished. "Oh yeah! My name is Rhett Mclaughlin!" He said with a smile, "I know, I love your beard, dude." I suddenly melted inside, "uhh, Gotchi... I never mentioned Rhett in the car or in the house..." Said link with that confused, funny face, "well... I heard you talking to him when I was upstairs, I heard you say "Rhett" a few times." I said hoping he'll buy it, "oh yeah, I did. Wow you got good hearing" said Link, very confused.

When I was going upstairs, I was going to say hi to lily, when I looked up, Loque was staring at me, when I looked at him in the eyes he looked away quickly, I smiled looking at the floor. Then lily grabbed me and said "Hello! My name is lily i'm 14, like you!" She hugged me tight, I don't mind hugs especially for what im going thru right now. "Hello, my name is Gotchi, you already know that" I said, starting to get really red, she noticed. Hugging me, she said "aww, what happened, Are you okay?" She took me to her room, she looked if anybody was right at the door, then she closed it and locked it. "What happened Gotchi? You can tell me, I promise not to tell!" She said. "Cross your heart if you really want to know" I said, with tears going down my face. "Ok, I will" she said crossing her heart, " "now trust me" she said, grabbing my hands, "ok, I trust you" I say.

"Im not from L.A, i'm from Houston,Texas, i'm an... An... Or...phan." I said, crying my eyeballs out. "Then how did you make from Texas to L.A?"

"I was at a bad orphanage, I was born in Houston, you know my "dad" divorced from my mom and then she commited suicide when I was 2 years old. Then the orphange was moved somewhere really close to L.A, when we were on our way some managed to escape, I was in that orphanage for like 12 years and then I couldn't stand it. I left two days ago and took me a day to get here no sleep, and barely any food or water. That's when your dad found me and brought me here" I cried in the whole story. "Hey, umm Gotchi and Lily want to play outside? Said Licoln. Yeah we be there in a bit! Said Lily.

Lily helped me out with wiping my tears. We went outside and then I said "can we play soccer? Please?" Then Loque said "ok but, we have no soccer ball" A kid from the street came outside and was practicing some moves, I went to take his ball and show him some of my moves "wow impresive moves, girl!" "Thanks" I said. "Want to play a game?" "Sure, can they join also?"said the boy "Sure!" I said. We played so long until Christy came outside and yelled out "LUCH TIME!!" We ran so fast especially me but, before I started running, the boy yelled my name "Hey, you can have this ball." He said, "wow! Are you sure?" I said, hoping he was sure "yes, you keep it, I got so many,like, six more of them!"

"Wow thanks, dude." I said. We both said goodbye. I stared at Loque and he looked... Jelouse? Anyways, we went inside and ate away!

Link's POV

"The girls and the guys had a BLAST today!" I said, getting in bed with Christy. "Yes, you are right. Espicially Gotchi." She said. "Yeah, you are right, she was really happy" I said, yawning. "She was really hungry during luch, did you feed her when you two arrived, link? Christy asked. "Uhh...I asked...if she wanted some food but... She said she already ate" I said trying to stay awake during the conversation, "well, we'll talk tomorrow honey, Goodnight" she said.

"Goodnight babe" thats the last thing I said that day.

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