(Here goes nothing: as I've said earlier, I don't really 'do' poetry, but this, like the few others I've posted were written a long time ago, and I'm really just uploading them here to 'test the water,' as it were and to see how this damn site works before I start with any 'proper' posts!)
This particular effort was written when I was lot younger and it was meant to draw an analogy between the apartheid system that was at that time present in South Africa, and the British attitude to blood-sports, particularly fox-hunting and hare-coursing.
As the sinking sun set slowly at dusk,
Casting long warm shadows that engulfed the dust,
The Hunters would return from the tall-grassed plain,
Tired but happy, their sacks filled with game.
Soon food-flavoured smoke would linger till light
And the African herdsman would sleep well that night.
Life then was so simple - free from worries and cares,
For they were born to be free - like the Foxes and Hares.
The years flickered by and Time brought with it Change;
And Time brought the White-Man - alien and strange.
And the White-Man was 'civilised' and so started a reign
Of torture and killings and anguish and pain.
And families were driven from homes lovingly made
And the Herdsmen were herded to start the slave-trade.
They were used to being free in that Land that was theirs,
But now they were hounded - like the Foxes and Hares.
Where the Herdsman once lived off the fat of the land,
The White-Man now lives - the Herdsman's been banned:
Bannished to 'Townships' - ramshakle and crude,
Condemned to exist like no White-Man ever could.
Found guilty of living, He's been sentenced to die -
But though His body is broken , his spirits are high.
The Herdsman's been captured in White-Man's evil snares,
But he's screaming and fighting - just like those Foxes and Hares.
Chased and tormented by White-Man's power lust,
The Foxes and Hares are running - lungs fit to burst.
And the red-coated Huntsman sits astride his sturdy mount
As his blood-crazed hounds rip their victim's heart out.
And the terror-filled screams carry back here to UK;
"We'll do something (tomorrow)" is what the politicians say.
And the public is outraged, but does anyone really care
About what's happening to those poor Foxes and Hares?
(Just proves that my 'poetry' is anything but 'timeless!) ;)

PoetryFound at the back of my wardrobe some twenty-six years or so after writing it! Once upon a time, it was very relevant. Nowadays, things are better .... but while the spectre of apartheid may no longer haunt South Africa (officially, at least) the an...