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You were sitting in a chair, shoulder to shoulder with your mother. A very hard and uncomfortable chair. You kept shifting uncomfortably, gulping like crazy. You fingers never got a rest from being fiddled with. No words could describe the level of nerves in your body. It felt like it was sloshing around in your stomach like a washing machine. Speaking of stomachs, yours was throbbing with fear.

The waiting room of a men's prison is no laughing matter. In fact, laughing was the absolute last thing that was on your mind. What was on your mind though, was so many thoughts. Men were scary in general for you, never mind in a prison. You were considering the fact that the prisoner stereotypes might be true. Gangs and psychos and people who killed their own babies.

You gulp, for possibly the thousandth time for those 20 minutes. Your head was ringing, but you lick your dry lips and turn to your mother. "Mom?"

She blinks away whatever thoughts she was in and turns to you, and her eyes looked dull and sad. She tries to smile, but it didn't work too well. "Yeah, sweet?"

"I'm scared." You admit. You didn't have to say it for people to know. You were visibly shaking, like a leaf. Your face was pale and you were clutching your stomach like your life depended on it. Your mom could see the terror in your eyes. "Like, really, really scared."

"I know, I know.." She whispers, and extends her arms to cling to you. She held your head to her chest and hugged your torso with her other. She was cradling you like a baby almost, and it was a teeny bit relieving. "You'll be fine, okay? I know you will. And you can call me whenever you want."

Just as your nerves were being tamed, they shot back up when a voice suddenly appeared. You jumped, and your mother released you when you did.

"[First Name] [Last Name]?"

Over near a door not too far away was an officer. He looked sweet and soft. He had round freckly cheeks and crazy dark green hair. He was smiling nervously, and clutching tightly onto some sort of clipboard. He had a name label stitched into his shirt that said 'I. Midoriya'. He didn't look as buff and mean as you expected.

You take a deep breath, and stand up while patting down the back of your skirt. Your whole face was pale and covered in fear. Your mom stood too, and grabbed her purse. It was when the guard looked up from his clipboard that he seemed utterly confused.

He watched you stand up, and your mother, too. You were both... female. When he first heard your name, he thought it was a female's name, but this just confirmed it. Maybe you were in the wrong side of the prison and it was a mistake.

His mouth was opened a little, in confusion. His brows furrowed a little. "U-Um, excuse me, mam.. I... I think you're maybe in the wrong side of the prison? The women's facility is on the other side of campus." He nervously chuckled at the end.

"I wish we were on the wrong side of the prison." Your mother huffed and frowned, glaring at the guard. "But we aren't. They sent my daughter to a men's prison." She growled.

The guard blushed in embarrassment from this random lady having a go at him. The man uses his free hand to scratch the back of his head. "T-They did?" He said out of disbelief, and gulped with a nervous smile. "Hang on please, mam.."

Your mother crossed her arms and plopped back on the chair, leaving you standing there. The male guard slipped behind the door and re-appeared behind the reception desk. He typed a bunch of stuff and searched a bunch of stuff, which made him stare at the words in absolute disbelief. It was true. That sweet looking girl out the front was indeed sent to a men's prison.

You and your mom silently waited together while he went on the phone and called two people, you think. You didn't hear too much, but he sounded quite puzzled.

He came back out to the waiting room, with his trusty clipboard in-hand again. As he closes the door of the reception desk, he speaks. "Uh.. I called a couple people from the upper office and um- Ms. [Last Name].. is supposed to be here."

"It's ridiculous." Your mom mutters out with a scowl, and she stands to hug you. She looks at the guard over your shoulder while hugging you. "I don't give a shit about your so-called 'over-crowding' in your women's prison, I'm getting a lawyer and I'm fixing this. How can you let my daughter in there?" She growls, and you feel her arms tighten around you.

The man smiles a little and his eyes are full of nerves. "U-Um.. it's not up to me, mam.. I'm just a guard.." He chuckles a bit, and his shoulders tense up.

"Hey, Midoriya, what's the hold up? Where's the dude?" Another voice calls out from behind the door, and the green haired guard jumps a bit and turns to the door like the person's there.

"Uh- it's.. it's a girl.." He says quietly, and a confused 'huh' comes from behind the door. Shortly after, the doorknob turns and the door opens. Another guard came through, with a face just as confused as Midoriya's. He looked quite nice, as well. According to the label on his shirt, his name was 'O. Koroshito'.

The second guard crosses his arms and inspects the lady in the waiting room. He frowns, and then his face lights up and he nods to himself. "Oh, yeah, you're the female everyone's been talking about." He says.

"You knew?" Midoriya quietly questions, but the other guard didn't hear.

"Um- Um, yeah.." You stutter, and look at the two guards. Both looked kind, but pretty buff nonetheless. Certainly was intimidating. All those books and blogs you read were flowing back to you, about guards hitting inmates and inmates murdering guards. You take a deep breath and fiddle with your sweaty hands behind your back.

"Well, orders are orders. Get movin', [Last Name.]" The guard blatantly says, and shrugs a bit. He started to spin around to the door again, expecting you to follow. Your mother frowns and spins back around to her daughter, squishing both your cheeks together before hugging you again.

She squeezes you tight and you grip onto the back of her sweater. "I love you, baby. So much, okay? And I can tell you, you will not have to be in here long. I'm getting a lawyer because this is horrendous." She whispers.

You sniff, and feel your nose and eyes start to sting and tingle. A few seconds later, they were glossed over with tears. Your mom feels you hug her tighter, and shift your head further into the crook of her neck. "I love you."

You hear a sigh and a few knocks. It was the second guard banging on the door. "Come on, hurry it up, [Last Name]."

A few more hugs and kisses on the cheeks later, you were officially in the hands of these two guards. They walked on either side of you as the green haired one opened the door for you, and the other walked in first. The door closes, and so does the outside world. The tears in your eyes start to feel heavier, and they flow down your cheeks.

Midoriya notices and gets flustered quickly. He smiles, and waves a hand around. "Ah, it's alright, [Last Name]! It's not as scary as you think it is, really! Me and the other guards will look out for you, promise! Nothing to be worried about!" He smiles, and his eyes were filled with kindness.

You sniff, and wipe some snot away. "Yeah right."

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