Part 4

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i sat there not saying a word, even if i wanted to speak i dont think anything will come out dan just sat there next to me looking at me.. 

'come on how about we go sit in my car and stay warmish and you can tell me? thats if you want too' he said.. 

yano' any normal day i would proberly have a little freak over the fact Dan YES Dan Ferrari-Lane asked me to go sit in his car but not today.. but somehow i feel safe knowing hes just there sounds funny i know but yeah i cant explain it...

we got to dan car and he put the heaters on..  i guess it was now or never i have to tell someone right? maybe it should not be Dan but theres no-one else

'i well,erm'

'you dont have to tell me if you dont want too'  he said looking at me with those big brown eyes.

'i ran away because, my step dad he errr'


'hits me' there i said it.. i did it..

i didnt wanna look at Dans Face to Scared to see what his reaction was going to be... 

(rubbish part i know but ive been at college all day but i wanted to update, promise it will get better) 

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