Part 6

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*Still Shanice's POV*

on the way to dan's  all that could be heard was the radio which was just so happen to be playing McFly yeah there one of my Other faves band, oh what am i saying i adore them..

'So i was think, how about we stop of at mcdonalds on the way back to mine' dan said

i smiled at the fact he always tweets about Mcdonalds,

'yeah sure why not' i said back

after are little stop at McDonalds we got to his house

'i will just take your bag up to the space room, just make yourself at home' he said 

hes so sweet and caring and kind and every other word that means he nice he all of them aswell 

for the rest of the night we just sat and watch films, it was nice that i didnt have to worry that my step dad was just going to come running in and hit me for nothing it was nice that i felt safe for the first time in my life since my mum left

'What You thinking about?' dan said 

how does he always know im thinking? do i have a thinking face?

'nothing' i said

'well i know thats lies, you can tell when someone is thinking as they do a little thinking face, and i must say yours is cute' he said smiling 

i felt myself smile like a mad woman then i remember katie and dannii who i speak to on twitter,they would never believe whos flat im in right now...

(just a little update on this fanfic will do more later,as im not in college today!) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2012 ⏰

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