Ch.12 King of Hearts

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Playing multiple games of solitaire for two hours was more boring than living in my old town since I chucked my phone at the wall after Som- "what's wrong kid?" I quickly jolt out of my thought and notice the pilot is sitting next to me with a curious look "nothing just wondering how my life at Overwatch is going to be." I answer lying but hey I don't know the guy and saying "just thinking think of my ex-girlfriend who is a talon member" ok maybe leaving out the talon part but still little too heavy for a topic "ahh I think you will be just fine everyone is really friendly and nice" he tells me just a simile "awesome it would kind of suck if everybody was like solider 76." I say which got the pilot and I laughing "yeah I would have quit on the spot" the pilot responded which got us both laughing some more after the laughter died, I asked a question to start the conversation again "how is everyone like specifically?" I asked a question I knew that would buy us some time for a while "oh you mean like the women?" he asked with the sly smirk I quickly get flustered and a little red "w-what nonononono I mean-" I saying quickly trying to save myself from this question that came of left field but I quickly get cut off by him "don't worry I get what you mean you want to know who taken and what not I understand your young." He said trying to understand what I meant but was still completely wrong granted I am now single but haven't move past the stage of shock "well there is I believe Brigette, Mei I thin-" I just grew annoyed I get it he is just trying to "help" but I let my emotions get the best of me "I just got out of a relationship I'm not really looking right now." I said with lips quivering a little even not mentioning her name just acknowledging I am not with her made my day worse "damn you liked her that much huh?" the pilot asked guess he could tell I was having an emotional break down all I could do was nodded slowly "Did she love you?" he asked while shuffling the cards "I think" was all I said while staring at his hands as he shuffled the deck of cards "how many years were you together?" he asked while restarting the shuffle "we were together for maybe a week or two" I replied probably making sound like some dumb kid who falls in love to easy but I know inside I really loved her and she loved me to he stop the shuffling and look towards me "two weeks? Wow young love." He said making him and I chuckle he begins reshuffling the cards as he speaks "listen kid I am not going to tell you to move on or you can do better because judging by how you responded this girl really had you lovestruck." All I could do was sit and listen as he passed out cards to the both of us 5 each I let them sit on the table I assumed we are playing poker as he continued "Love is about caring for a person before all else making sure they are ok before you ask yourself. Love is about being with each other through thick and thin always working together to make each others lives better and always especially having each others back. Love is about not caring what rules are in place that are restricting you from being with each other because when it comes to love no matter what you both will find a way back to each other." He stopped again I know my next question could get me thrown off the ship or shot but I guess I need all the help I could get "even if she is with Talon?" I asked he head instantly shot up but instead of pulling a gun out and blasting my brain he smiled and spoke "even if she is with Talon because even if I pulled out a gun and taken you to Overwatch as a captured spy from Talon you would still tell me you loved her even if its your last breath." He finished as I grabbed my cards and got a flush of hearts "I win and thanks I really needed that." I said with a composing myself "damn lucky bastard and don't mention it kid. Really though do not mention it I didn't pull out a gun, but I cant say the same about 76" he said making us both laugh but interrupted by the A.I I know as Athena "arriving at Watchpoint Gibraltar" she said letting us know through the intercom as the pilot walked back to the cockpit as I am left with my thought "I need to see her again."

Sombra POV

Trying to purge myself of (Y/N) was harder than I thought even though it took me two days to delete his phone number I still found myself checking his social media to see if he moved on from me but nothing he seemed to be happy I guess being with Overwatch does that to you but I haven't been so lucky ever since that incident with his sister Abigail she has been watch me like a hawk and now that she is actually learning English she can now ask me questions about him just fucking great. "Sombra." I spin my chair to face Abigail who is now in my door as if her following couldn't get any creepier "brother...following...why?" she asked me since she is still not very fluent in English it hard to understand her sometimes but still it good to see she trying her best "wanna get a much intel so for when we invade the base." She looked at me with a suspicious glare with an eyebrow raised questioning look even though Akande said she cant speak English he forgot to mention she can understand English pretty well "good luck до свидания(Bye)" she said as shrugged and walked out of my room I waved to her as she walked out I turned my chair around back to my monitors and I searched through (Y/N)s social media again before I stop myself "Sombra just stop he hasnt moved on or showed signs of coming back to you just move on" I told myself as I turned off my computer and jumped into bed and feel asleep remembering our one and only date.

So, this chapter is pretty short but I just wanna get back into the swing of things since this next chapter is going to be a doozy I really don't having anything to say other than have a good night/day.Adios

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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