Ch.6 Her💜

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You saw the last message which made you excited knowing that she felt the same way about you. You put on your shoes and earphones even though the walk wasn't long you still want to listen to Touch Me by The Doors (or whatever song makes you happy) just because you were in the mood.

(Y/N) pov

I start walking over to the weird market where sombra is at while lip syncing till I am able to see Sombra I never noticed how cute she looked with a hoodie on I think to myself as I take off my earphones to greet her.

"Hey Sombra"

"¡Hola!" she said while giving you a hug which made you feel safe and it's not just because she has her Uzi with her sometimes.

"What do you feel like eating?" I asked

"Um... Italian?" She asked with the cutest smile on her face.

"Sure. Damn this really is a weird looking market" I said holding out my elbow she chuckles a bit and puts her arm through.

"Yeah looks like someone played a crappy game of Tetris... why is the old dude staring at us?" she said pointing at him

You looked over to see some old dude glaring at you two you wave trying to be friendly but all he did was spit on the ground. "Um let's get out of here this man is really creeping me out." She just nods and she starts to fast walk out of the old man's sight.

You guys were walking towards the restaurant silently not because it was awkward but instead it was nice just being in each other's presence made both of you happy and relaxed but sombra's phone had other plans in mind.

Sombra POV

Just walking with (Y/N) made me happy seeing his (H/C) hair move as the wind blows through it made him look so handsome I think to myself but mid thought my phone goes off 'ugh Gabe' screw him he can wait while I am trying to close my phone I accidently call (Y/N) he opens his phone and I see what he has my name as "her💜" I smile thinking to myself 'I got lucky.'

3rd Pov

you two made it to the restaurant and ask the waiter for a table for two he looks at both of you judging because this place is kind of fancy and you came in a T-shirt and Sombra is in a sweater but you didn't care what how people thought about you because you knew that these people will never remember you and your girlfri... wait.. Yeah girlfriend as the couple that did not dress up. You were both seated outside it was a little cold but there was a heater to keep you and sombra warm.

"So who is this mysterious woman they call 'Sombra?'" you say doing air quotes

She giggled and said "what do you want to know?"

"Real name?"

Sombra Pov

Oh man real name this is going to suck but if this means staying with him fuck it.

3rd pov

"Oliva Colomar"

"Oh wow whole name thats awesome... Olivia" you said with a smile she just rolled her eyes and chuckled at your crappy joke.

The whole night you two were talking, laughing, and of course eating but before you got to leave you got a call from a blocked number you had no clue who it was but you excused yourself and answered

(Y/N) pov


"Hello is this (Y/N)?"

"Um yeah can I ask who is calling?"

"I'm an old friend of your mom. we need to talk."

Hiya so it took a while but its out I hope you enjoyed I will probably just be writing when I get time because being a senior in high school really doesnt give me a lot of time to write and I dont want to set up a due date for the next chapter and not fullfill so just be on the lookout. Also saw the books close to 100 reads which is amazing I didnt think I would even have 20 so thank you everyone for your support.Adios

  Mi corazón sólo le pertenece a usted💜(Sombra X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now