Ch.9 Thought it was...

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3rd person POV

Its now sunday and 1 hour till your big meeting with the man who you now know is named Jack Morrison even though you sweared he was dead your ma believed that he called this meeting. You were sitting on the couch lost in thoughts when you got a text.


Hey (Y/N) you there?

You sat up a grabbed your phone you saw it was from Sombra which made you giddy inside.

Yeah what's up?

Can we talk? I have to ask you something

Of course i have something to tell you too.

Ok meet me next to the weird building in 5 mins


You felt uneasy this wasn't like the other conversation you had with her this kinda scared you.

Sombra POV

I saw (Y/N) at the store and just looking at him made me realize how innocent he looked and made me wonder why he was recruited he also looked handsome but that's besides the point.


I saw sombra make her way towards me and couldn't help but smile the whole time for now I thought life was pretty awesome... thought it was

"Hola mí Amore" she said giving me a quick peck on the lips

" hey... what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh um well it's nothing i just wanted to know how you be holding up without me." she said with a small smile but you recognized that face a knew something was not to good.

" Well i am fine and actually I wanted to tell you that I am going to a meeting today to become a overwatch agent." I said expecting her to be a little more happy for me but that wasn't the case.

"Oh wow thats is great news but that kinda segways to what I gotta say" she said as her smile went away.

"(Y/N)... I work for Talon."

Hi again super sorry x1000000 I know i said last weekend i would post this but this past week my parents decided to redo my whole living room so I can not understate how little time i had to write but now that it's over with I should get some more chapters out and I start college next week which is pretty cool i hope, Anyway I hope you guys had a great summer and are having a awesome summer games even though this event was pretty underwhelming but still those skins are nice. Adios

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