Chapter 2 The Past

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Megan's POV

"Brandon.." I seethed.

"I see you've changed." He said, checking me out. "And found your mate and you're pregnant."

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"I want you." He said, making my heart stop.

"Wh- What about your mate? H- Haven't you met her yet?"

"Actually, I've met her a couple of weeks ago.. But I killed her.. She wasn't good enough for me."

"What the hell do you mean she wasn't good enough for you?"

"She wasn't my type. She was shy and way too loving for my liking.. And she wasn't you." He added.

"That just makes me sick."

"Moving on.. After you give birth to that.. Thing-"

"He's my son!"

"I would seriously force that evil creature that is obviously the evidence that you made love to someone who isn't me, out of you but that would hurt and I don't want to hurt you."

I gave him a disgusted look.

"Oh, come on. Don't give me that look. If you go with me, I'm going to make you scream in delight and make you feel like you're in heaven."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Nothing! I just want you! Ever since I met you, I loved you. I always thought we were mates, that we will be together forever but.. You- You ran away!" Brandon said, trying his best not to cry. The guy who freaking stalked me and the one who was planning on raping me was trying not to cry!? What was I supposed to do!? Besides.. He was actually REALLY hot.

'You idiot! You're talking about the dude wanting to rape you! So are you saying you want to throw yourself to him now!?' My lovely wolf, Jess yelled in my head.

'Eww no.. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!? WHAT WAS I THINKING!? Why. Did. I. Think. That. He. Was. Hot..!?'

'I have no idea...' Jess said, getting concerned.

Blocking her out, I decided to face reality again.

"I ran away because you wanted to rape me!" I yelled to him. "I got scared of you! Tiane heard your phone call with god knows who, saying you were planning on selling Tiane and after taking me, you're gonna throw me away!"

He looked at me, wide eyed with shock. "No.. Please! That was the old, stupid me! I've changed!"

"Whatever." I said walking back to the pack house.

"I'll be here waiting and I'm coming for you once that thing is out of you!" He called out.


~The next day~

"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" I called out, loudly, knocking, more like banging on everyone's doors.

"What?" Emmaline came out of her room, yawning sleepily.

"WHO DARES INTERRUPTS MY SLEEP!?" Tiane came out of her room, grumpily.

"WHO'S THE B*TCH WHO WOKE ME UP!? YOU BETTER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" Amelia stormed out of her room, furiously looking around for the victim.

When she saw me, she raged up to me, ready to choke me to death but she didn't. "YOU LITTLE SH*T! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE PREGNANT OR ELSE YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD IN A SECOND! YOU BETTER HAVE A REALLY GOOD REASON FOR WAKING ME UP!"

"Calm down, woman. I do have a reason." I said.

She gave me a look and crossed her arms. "Explain yourself."

I saw everyone's tired and sleepy faces waiting for me to talk. "I think we should all sit down and feel comfortable while I speak."

Everyone nodded in agreement and sat down on the floor.

"Ok, so last night, I saw Brandon." I seethed.

The look on Tiane's face was priceless how her mouth was wide open with shock, not like I can blame her. Brandon was her brother and he wanted to sell her.

"My.. My brother is here..?" She asked nervously. Justin quickly hugged her and pat her head but she slapped his hand away.

"I want to meet him and kill him." Jordan said, shaking with rage.

"Let me continue talking first." I said, signalling Jordan to sit back down. "He said he wouldn't bother us as long as I'm pregnant."

Amelia and Emmaline started choking and coughing, trying their best not to laugh at what they were just thinking.

I gave them both my deathliest glare. If looks could kill, they're already dead a few weeks after I met them. "Shut up and let me continue. As I was saying, I think everything will be perfectly fine for another five months of me being pregnant until Brandon attacks so I guess we can keep calm until then.."

"That's what you should've thought about before waking us all up early in the morning." Emmaline said, rudely.

I gave her a look before telling everyone that they could go back to sleep.

Jordan came up to me with a worried look on his face. "Hey.. How are you feeling..?" He asked softly. Jordan never acts that way so I kind of decided to make him pissed off. I know, it should be the opposite and make him feel a bit more worried but who cares?

"Like I just came face to face with a guy who was planning to 'make me scream in delight and make me feel like I'm in heaven'." I said, quoting what Brandon said last night.

Jordan clenched his knuckles to a fist as his eyes suddenly turned black. I turned around, hiding my smirk and walk away. Mission accomplished.

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