Once upon a time, there were two identical twins. One was a boy and the other was a girl. Their names were Onika Maraj and Roman Zolanski. They were alike in any way. They both had that black smooth silky hair and those dark black eyes. They both had a birthmark on their arms. It was in Chinese. Onika and Roman would always sit around and play games. They'd laugh and giggle. One day, while Onika's mother had left, someone slid through the door and looked down at Roman Zolanski's crib. The dark figure grabbed Roman and took off into the night. When Onika's mother came back she screamed then started crying. Her son had been gone forever.
14 Years Later...
I'm finally 15!! I can't believe it's been so long and I gotta say I'm loving my life. I heard there's going to be a surprise party for me. Yay. Well I gotta go to school journal bye.
As I walk down the stairs I smell fresh bacon and eggs. I love that feeling you get when you smell something good.
"Hey mom," I said.
"Happy Birthday Darling!" said Carol.
"Aww thank you so much mom."
I sit down and start eating my breakfast. After I'm done I grab my backpack and run off the school. It was pretty fresh and beautiful outside. Birds were singing and the sun was shining.
"Today is going to be perfect." I said to myself. I walk inside the school and the first thing I see are all my friend singing happy birthday to me. I put my hands on my mouth and cry. Tears of joy flow down my cheeks as I smile and hug everyone. Everyone says happy birthday and I get presents. I walk down the hallways looking flawless and walk towards my locker to put all my presents inside. I spray Pink Friday on me and walk to Biology. After Biology I go to lunch and people stare at me. So many people say happy birthday I smile at them. I get my lunch and start eating. Of course the lunch ladies gave me cake because it was my birthday. I sit down and open my milk. I notice some boys staring and me and I flip my hair. They wink at me and I blush. My two best friends, Rihanna and Beyonce, sit down with me as we talk about what I got for my birthday. We all put up our trays and walk home.
When I get home I see money on the table and a Range Rover in the driveway. I scream and hug my parents and smile. I get in my car and go to the mall. Of course I pick up my best friends and shop with them. When we got there almost all the parking lots were full. We finally found a space and we got out. We went inside and started shopping. I went to the jewelry looking for a necklace to wear for my surprise party. Suddenly I saw someone with smooth silky hair. I couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl. When I turned back around the figure was gone. I looked around to see if he/she was still there but he/she was gone.

Her Evil Twin
FanficOnika Maraj was just an ordinary girl living in the UK. One day she goes to school and realizes that theirs someone who looks just like her. They find out so many secrets but some secrets aren't meant to be kept.