Chapter 20: Action!

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Seulgi's POV

We've been on standby, waiting for our leader's command. I’m in a prone position on the tree, near the wall, spying at some men strolling inside. Wearing night visions made it easier for us since the lampposts here at the docks hated each other.

“Seul, since when did your butt started growing?”

Putting my middle finger on the top of my butt, “I swear to King Kong. I’m going to shoot you if you don’t stop looking at my butt, you pervert bunny teeth.” I said, calmly.

“Okay, chill~... Momo, what the heck!” Nayeon cackled. Her loud voice ringing directly in my ear.

I'll give a hint of what Momo was doing. First, someone was being straddled. Second, she was playfully hurting someone, like pinching ears, doing nipple-cripple, and brutally choking them. Okay, that ain't a hint! That's exactly what she was doing to the guards since they came back to their senses, while Jungkook was leaning on the van, cigarette burning on his lips. ‘Geez. Kids these days.’

Everyone, get ready.” We heard Limario's voice. Quietly hopping off the tree, I positioned myself at the gate. I glanced at Momo. She immediately whacked the back of the guys' neck, making them unconscious again before hiding behind the empty red truck trailer.

Nayeon, back me up.” I requested.

“I am into you!” She replied. My heart skipped a beat. What? Nayeon was my high school crush. She was beautiful and confident about herself that's why I like her.

‘Stop heart! She meant it the other way, not the one you want it to be.’ I shut my eyes in a brief second.

“In the count of three– one, two, three... Fire~” As soon as the last word had been uttered, I started unloading my machine gun. A deafening crack of thunder filled the area as I pulled the trigger.

*brrrrrrr... ratatatatattaat*

‘WOOOOH! FINALLY~’ My subconscious cheered. Sometimes, I actually wonder if I have a split personality disorder because one minute, I'm sad then the next second, I'm excited. Geez. What's wrong with me?

I was able to take down more than five men. The sound of my machine gun made the enemies run for their lives. “INTRUDERS!” They started firing back. I wanted to position myself near the warehouse door, but there was no barrier to cover me. Looking around, my eyes landed on a minivan. It was parked few steps away from me so I decided to try my luck.

Cover me!I commanded Nayeon and started crouch running, openly firing around.

When I reached the van, it was the perfect spot for me so I got myself busy exchanging fires with the gorilla-looking men. I was enjoying it too much that I didn't notice there was someone behind me. Feeling a muzzle on my head, I froze.

“Put your gun do–” The guy suddenly dropped to the ground.

BULL'S-EYE! Nayeon proudly exclaimed. Her loud voice ringing in my ear once more. We're going to be deaf in no time.

Thank you, babe.” I unconsciously blurted out. Delighted that I am still breathing and also, feeling proud of Nayeon.

BABE??!!” They all said in unison. I facepalmed myself, hoping that the ground will consume me right here, right now, and vanish forever.

Limario's POV

Before we leave the room, I removed the bulletproof vest and helmet that I had on me and let the princess wear it. She's the most valuable person here inside this building. And to be real, we can all die in here, but not her, so I need to ensure her safety.

When the enemies started running to us, Chaeng and I got separated because she ran towards the left hallway, while the beautiful me ran to the opposite side, entering whatever room was there to cover us.

Jennie's been gripping the hem of my shirt as if her life depended on it. Honestly, I felt like it was tearing apart. Believe me, I'm aware that she's terrified but geez, I will be naked in no time.

Thank you, babe.” I heard Seulgi through the earpiece.

Babe?!We all said in response to her statement. Deym! I won the bet. Seulgi really likes Nayeon. Sadly, that bunny likes Momo, and Momo likes Jeongyeon while that ostrich likes Nayeon. The thing was it's just too complicated, or maybe they were just making things complicated? I'm not sure. Never been in a love square or whatever you call it.


One guy came sprinting towards my spot so I quickly shot the last bullet on my gun's magazine then closed the door before reloading. I caught a glimpse of Jennie, she was crying. For some unknown reason, I cupped her face intending to comfort her, and deym! She's hot. Nope, that's not what I meant. Don't get me wrong, she's hot as heck, but as of the moment, I'm talking about her being literally hot!

Shit~ She needs medical attention.’ I thought.

The next thing that happened was not expected at all.

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