Ben || haunted

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[The Umbrella Academy is 15 in this oneshot]

Ben Hargreeves is dead. Dead as a mother fucking doornail.
And the worst part is, no one will tell you why. You just received a call from Diego, and he gently broke the news. No explanation. Not even a funeral. Your boyfriend is dead. And all you have left is heartache and suffering.

You sit in the attic of the Umbrella Academy. You were invited over for tea but everything that touched your mouth turned sour. You slip out the window and sit on the fire escape, staring up at the moon in the cold night air.

"Knock knock"

You quickly wipe away your tears as a person walks towards the window.

"You getting lonely out here?" A familiar head pokes out the window.

"Hey Klaus" you simply say.
The lanky boy clambers onto the fire escape, and sits down next to you.
Neither of you speak for a minute. You relish in the silence.

"Ben-" Klaus starts, before he sighs. "It sucks that no one can tell you anything, about how he died. Like it sucks ass more then a $500 prostitute. And it really sucks that you didn't get a proper goodbye or anything. I don't know what I'd do if someone I loved was just taken from me"

Tears are falling steadily now. Silently, but steadily.
"Yeah" you say. "It fucking sucks"

Klaus shifts.
"Hence why I'm here. So you can get a proper goodbye"

It's only now you notice. His hands. They're twitching. He's shifting as he sits. He's restless.
He's sober.
You've known the Umbrella Academy for a long time. You know that Klaus took drugs to stop hearing the voices after he was locked in that tomb.
But now he's sober.

"You got sober?" You ask softly, and Klaus smiles weakly.

"I got there in the end"

You turn in the fire escape so that you and Klaus are opposite each other.
"Is Ben here? Now?"

Klaus doesn't reply for about thirty seconds before sadly grinning.
"You ready to talk?"

You choke a sob, clasping your hand over your mouth.
"How is he.........God is he okay?"

Klaus's eyes flint to his right, implying that the three of you are sitting in a sort of triangle.
Klaus shrugs. "He looks alright"

You laugh, tears still streaming down your cheeks. "Can you tell him something for me?"

"He can hear you. Just talk like you can see him"

You wipe your nose on your sleeve.
"B-Ben.......I have spent the last week thinking of all the things I've wanted to say to you........ and now that I can.......words are just failing. It's so unfair that you had to go. We could've done some much. All I can think to say now is that I love you. So unbelievably fucking much. Th-th-thats all I can say"

Klaus has welled up at this stage, tears falling silently down his face as he smiles softly.
"Look what you've done Y/N. You set ghost boy off too"

Klaus swallows, looking to the empty spot where Ben supposedly sits. He chuckles to himself as he stares at the spot.
"Ben that is some cheesy ass shit. Okay okay calm down I'll tell her"

Klaus turns back to you, and repeats:
"Y/N, Ben says he's sorry. He's sorry that he left you with this dysfunctional as fuck family. He's sorry that he left in general. He says....... that he has cherished every moment you two have spent together. Like that time you went to the park at 3am, and that time you went swimming in a fountain, or that time you- EW BEN I DONT WANNA HEAR THAT UGH GROSS!"

You burst into a fit of cuddles, pulling your knees into your chest.
"Anyways anyways, inappropriate things aside, Ben says that he loves you. There aren't enough words to express how much he loves you. He won't get into a huge speech about it because he knows I'll mess it up. But he loves you. And do not ever forget that. And this conversation is proof that he'll always be there. In a non creepy way"

"I love you Ben. I love you so much"
You crawl across the fair escape and wrap your arms around Klaus's neck.
"Thank you" you say into his shoulder.

He's totally taken by surprise, but he hugs you back. "Ben is getting so jealous right now"

You burst into giggles. "One Hargreeves brother down, three to go"
A new wave of tears roll down your face. You and Klaus just stay there for a moment, embracing each other as you cry, tears illuminated by the light of the moon.

First Ben Hargreeves one shot!
I swear in my next one he'll be alive
- Avery

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