Five || team building

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The best team building exercise, is one that pushes you to your limits. One that tests your mental and physical strength. One that tests your ability to trust others and have each others backs.

And that team building exercise is laser tag.

Reginald explains the instructions one final time. There are two teams. The red team (Luther, Vanya, Five and Allison) and the blue team (Ben, Klaus, Diego and you). If you get shot twice, you're out. Last remaining teams wins.
Also, absolutely no using your powers, but everything else is fair game.

As you all put on your chunky, neon vests, Five saunters over to you.
"Prepare to have your ass handed to you, Y/N"

"Bite me Five" you sneer, tightening your vest straps.

"Testy testy" He raises an eyebrow. "Do I smell a wager?"

"Maybe you do" you shrug. "Last one standing wins"

"And first one out-" Five takes a large step forward, so that your noses are nearly touching. "-has to do whatever the winner wants"

You shake his hand without stepping back.

"Five! Y/N! Get your tongues out of each others throats so we can play laser tag!" Klaus cries, eagerly shooting his gun.
It didn't do anything though, since he's not in the arena yet.

"Number Four! This is not a game! This is is an elite training exercise! Now, take you positions at your bases" Reginald orders.

You shoot a final glare at Five, before the academy enters the laser tag arena. It's a large black room with platforms and blocks creating corners and hiding places. Each team has a base on opposite sides of the arena. Ben fiddles around with his gun, Diego strategically practices different aims and Klaus laughs like a lunatic and messes with his vest.

A booming voice comes over the intercom.
The game will commence in

Ha. Five.
Can't wait to whoop his ass






Your team immediately split, Diego and Klaus going right and you and Ben going left. You and Ben split almost immediately. You run down and duck to the right.

"ALLISON STAAAAP!" Klaus cries from somewhere far off.

You jump another right and spot the back of Allison's vest. You manage to hit it first try before before hiding back behind a corner.
Allison swears loudly, and you swing back around the corner and shoot her the second time.
"NO!" Allison cries, but she chuckled and gives you a thumbs up.

Gotta love Allison. Never a sore loser.

You run down the pathway, taking blind shots at your adopted siblings. You manage to strike Luther and Diego, but Klaus strikes you in the chest. Huh. No sign of Five yet.
Not that you were looking. You just happened to notice.

You escape from the massacre of shootings into a secluded corner. You catch you breath, still checking over you shoulders for opponents. You go to turn around when someone grabs you and pins you against the wall.

"Miss me?"
Fives forearm is pressed against your chest, and his other hand holds your wrist down so you cant shoot him. His face is inches from yours, his eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lights.

"Didn't notice you were gone" you lie.
Wow it's hard to breath. Is it hot in here?

Five smirks, his face only inching closer.
His opens his mouth to say a snarky comment, but he hesitates. His eyes flick down to your lips.
The arm on your chest, quickly cups your jaw. He slams his lips against yours. You gasp slightly in surprise, and he shoves his tongue in your mouth. You kiss back with even more passion. Fuck these vests. They're creating such unnecessary space.

Five pulls away breathlessly and quickly. Without hesitation, he shoots you in the chest, making it your second hit. Then he just walks away

Based off the infamous Imagine Your OTP
Yeet hope ya'll liked
- Avery

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