Chapter Four

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"Hey" The guy beside me nudges me, and I look up widening my eyes a bit questioningly "Do you have a pencil?"

"Yeah" I smile, digging into my little purse bag, until I pull out a mechanical pencil

"Thanks" he nods, then begins writing the notes we're taking about shutter speed "You look familiar"

I look back at him and smile a little, "Do you listen to rock?"

"Yeah" he nods with a slight smile

"That's probably how you know me then" I shrug "I toured with Black Veil Brides, and Asking Alexandria, as well as I played Warped Tour two years in a row"

"Wow!" He exclaims a little too loudly, resulting in a scold from the teacher

"Excuse me sir, do you have something to add?"

"No, sorry Ms. Anderson" He says, then she continues

"I love Black Veil Brides and Asking" he smiles at me

"Honestly, I like more Thrash, Black, and Death metal" I admit "But death and metal core is alright"

"I listen to Punk Rock, Pop Punk, Metal-Core, and Death-core" he admits "But I don't really like classifying by sub genres, because if I like a song I like it, don't matter what it is"

"I like to know what I'm listening to" I shrug, we sounded just like Cole and I when we first met, all I ever listened to was metal core and pop punk

"Yeah I feel" he nods "So if your famous and shit why are you in this class?"

"I need a back up plan in case my band and modeling fails" I shrug

"Your a model too?" He smiles and I nod

"Yeah I'm modeling in Texas during the weekend"

"So your busy a lot on weekends?"

"And on weekdays" I nod "After school I always hit the gym, then I have band practice after"

"Oh" he nods

"Then I'm in different countries and states during the weekend"

"Well that's awesome you get to travel" he smiles

"Yeah" I agree

I decide to focus and just take notes for the rest of the class, then when I get out, the guy kind of walks with me. "Here's your pencil back" he finally says, so I stop and look at him

"Thanks" I nod and he smiles small

"If your ever not busy-" he laughs a bit "Maybe we could get a coffee or-"

I flinch at that and his smile kinda drop, "Look I'm sorry, but-"

"You have a boyfriend" he nods "I should've guessed someone as pretty and cool as you would-"

"No" I laugh and he furrows my eyebrows "I'm single I just don't date"

"Oh" he says sadly

"You seem like a cool dude, and we can be friends though" I keep walking then he scurries along by my side

"Yeah, id like that" he smiles "So how come you don't date?"

"I just don't" I shrug

"Someone hurt you in the past?" He asks and I look at him laughing

"Why would I tell a stranger my life story?" I ask

"Ah" he nods "I bet if I looked you up online I could find out why"

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